Scientific Workflow Integrity with Pegasus (SWIP) issue tracking (no source code).
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Write brilliant talk on all of this for SC17 (and potentially CICI PI mtg) #9

Open von opened 6 years ago

von commented 6 years ago

Von Welch, Ilya Baldin, Ewa Deelman and Steve Myers. Scientific Data Integrity Challenges to be addressed in Pegasus: SWIP Project Update. Advancing Research Computing on Campuses: Best Practices Workshop, July 2017. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5200924

von commented 6 years ago

Plan is for identical presentation in IU and RENCI booths. Karan may go and sign up for a USC booth presentation.

von commented 6 years ago

SWIP talk in IU booth Wed 10:30am SWIP talk in RENCI booth Wed 11:30am SWIP talk in ISI booth pending (Karan PoC) - shooting for Tuesday Von has a 4pm conflict on Tuesday

Do a demo of Chaos Jungle #2