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Set up documentation generation #37

Closed annwhoorma closed 3 years ago

annwhoorma commented 3 years ago


annwhoorma commented 3 years ago

there is branch issue-37 regarding jsdoc i added config file for jsdoc and installed the package

i ran: ./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc src -r -d docs -c jsdoc.config.json

meaning of the flags: -r - recursive -d docs - destination -c jsdoc.config.json - config file

the problem is that it returned a lot of messages like "Unexpected token" and "Missing semicolon"

besides that, there is "This experimental syntax requires enabling one of the following parser plugin(s): 'flow, typescript" - i tried googling but couldnt figure out how to add the plugins

annwhoorma commented 3 years ago

image this is jsdoc.config.json - configuration file for jsdoc

it's just like the default one but i also included ts, d.ts, .vue to includePattern

the message i talked about above says that i need to enable 2 plugins but i dont have any plugins to put to plugins (second line of the file)

annwhoorma commented 3 years ago

read this but didnt help

annwhoorma commented 3 years ago

possible fix for typescript plugin

annwhoorma commented 3 years ago

tried this

idk why but i couldnt set up jsdoc to parse all the files even though I enabled all the necessary plugins (from my point of view)

i added jsdoc-flow and jsdoc-plugin-typescript

annwhoorma commented 3 years ago

what we'll most probably use: vuese

alkaitagi commented 3 years ago

Will be looking at this: https://tsdoc.org/.

annwhoorma commented 3 years ago

the final version: using typedoc run this: yarn typedoc --out docs src/*.ts