IUBLibTech / newton_chymistry

New version of 'The Chymistry of Isaac Newton', using XProc pipelines to generate a website based on TEI XML encodings of Newton's alchemical manuscripts, and Apache Solr as a search engine.
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Line break being inserted after <bibl> #113

Closed aewingate closed 2 years ago

aewingate commented 2 years ago

On the current versions of Carbon and Possum, a line break is being erroneously inserted after each tag

See manuscript: image

See live site: image It's not visible on the live site, but there are <bibl>s around each of the "Sec XX"

See Carbon: image

See Possum: image

tubesoft commented 2 years ago

This is not actually from <bibl> tags, but it is caused by <p> tags, which render double space. If we need to suppress the double space which occurs every <p> tag, I think I can create a new attribute for <p> tags. So far, I created rend-flush and rend-flush-all in the CSS stylesheet. (See #107) Maybe I can make something like rend-flush-margin to only suppress the double-spaces.

tubesoft commented 2 years ago

In my developing environment, if the TEI code goes like this:

                <p rend="flush-margin"><bibl corresp="CHYM000001.xml#Despagnet1642" cert="unknown">Sec 49.<note type="biblio" resp="alewinga">Newton is referencing Jean d'Espagnet's <hi rend="i">Enchiridion physicae restitutae</hi>. It is unknown what edition he consulted here, but see pp. 43-44 of the 1642 edition (Parisiis: n.p.) or another 1642 edition (Parisiis: Apud viduam Nic. de Sercy). We have linked to the 1642 (Parisiis: n.p.) edition since the available digitized copy is of better quality. These two editions are also considered more likely than other available editions because the pagination of Newton's citations to d'Espagnet's work in other manuscripts matches these editions.</note></bibl>  <choice><orig>Antiquæ</orig><reg>Antiquae</reg></choice> <choice><orig>massæ</orig><reg>massae</reg></choice> <choice><orig>confusæ</orig><reg>confusae</reg></choice> seu <choice><orig>materiæ</orig><reg>materiae</reg></choice> <choice><orig>primæ</orig><reg>primae</reg></choice> specimen aliquod<lb/>
                     habemus in aqua siccâ non madefaciente <choice><orig>quæ</orig><reg>quae</reg></choice> ex <choice><orig>terræ</orig><reg>terrae</reg></choice> vomicis aut etiam<lb/>
                     Lacubus scaturiens <choice><sic>mutiplici</sic><corr>multiplici</corr></choice> rerum semine effluit, tota calore etiam<lb/>
                     levissimo volatilis; ex quâ cum suo masculo copulatâ qui intrinseca<lb/>
                     Elementa eruere &amp; ingeniosè <choice><sic>seperare</sic><corr>separare</corr></choice> &amp; iterum conjungere noverit,<lb/>
                     <choice><orig>prætiosissimum</orig><reg>praetiosissimum</reg></choice> <choice><orig>naturæ</orig><reg>naturae</reg></choice> &amp; artis arcanum adeptum se <choice><orig>jactet</orig><reg>iactet</reg></choice>.<lb/>
                <p rend="flush-margin"><bibl corresp="CHYM000001.xml#Despagnet1642" cert="unknown">Sec 69<note type="biblio" resp="alewinga">Newton is referencing Jean d'Espagnet's <hi rend="i">Enchiridion physicae restitutae</hi>. It is unknown what edition he consulted here, but see p. 59 of the 1642 edition (Parisiis: n.p.) or another 1642 edition (Parisiis: Apud viduam Nic. de Sercy). We have linked to the 1642 (Parisiis: n.p.) edition since the available digitized copy is of better quality. These two editions are also considered more likely than other available editions because the pagination of Newton's citations to d'Espagnet's work in other manuscripts matches these editions.</note></bibl> <del rend="strike">Omnia</del> [Limus est proxima materia generationis (&amp; quasi Chaos) hominum<lb/>
                         animalium vegetabilium, lapidum metallorum <choice><abbr>&amp;c</abbr><expan>etc</expan></choice>.] In generatione metallorum<lb/>
                         ex <g ref="#UNx1f70d">🜍</g><hi rend="super">e</hi> &amp; <g ref="#UNx263f">☿</g><hi rend="super">o</hi> perfecte mixtis &amp; in aquam pinguem resolutio exit limus<lb/>
                         ex quo corpora Metallica per longam decoctionem indurantur.  In <choice><orig>Philo-<lb/>
                         sophica</orig><reg><lb/>Philosophica</reg></choice> Metallorum solutione &amp; Arcani <choice><abbr>Philos.</abbr><expan>Philosophorum</expan></choice> creatione primo <choice><orig>edu=<lb/>
                         citur</orig><reg><lb/>educitur</reg></choice> limus ex purgato &amp; mixto <choice><abbr>utrius<g ref="#UNxe123"></g></abbr><expan>utriusque</expan></choice> parentis semine.<lb/>
                <p rend="flush-margin"><bibl corresp="CHYM000001.xml#Despagnet1642" cert="unknown">Sec 114.<note type="biblio" resp="alewinga">Newton is referencing Jean d'Espagnet's <hi rend="i">Enchiridion physicae restitutae</hi>. It is unknown what edition he consulted here, but see p. 88 of the 1642 edition (Parisiis: n.p.) or another 1642 edition (Parisiis: Apud viduam Nic. de Sercy). We have linked to the 1642 (Parisiis: n.p.) edition since the available digitized copy is of better quality. These two editions are also considered more likely than other available editions because the pagination of Newton's citations to d'Espagnet's work in other manuscripts matches these editions.</note></bibl> Spiritus (vel materia) Aethereus omnia pervadens &amp; actuans dicitur<lb/>
                     Sal <choice><orig>Naturæ</orig><reg>Naturae</reg></choice>, nexus <choice><abbr>Elementor<g ref="#UNxe114"></g></abbr><expan>Elementorum</expan></choice> &amp; spiritus universi ab <choice><orig>occultæ</orig><reg>occultae</reg></choice> <choice><orig>Philosophiæ</orig><reg>Philosophiae</reg></choice> mistis.<lb/>

It renders like this:


@aewingate Does it look good?

aewingate commented 2 years ago

Yes! I think that works! It's weird though that extra lines are appearing only after the bibl within the <p>. I can't check on other manuscripts on Carbon to see if it's doing it elsewhere because my VPN is not working well.

tubesoft commented 2 years ago

We found in the meeting that ALCH00063-11 still seems to be rendered improperly. I still have to work on that.

mdalmau commented 2 years ago

That means that we will need a new compilation of 63, then.  Is that correct Wally?

From: Takatomo Inoue @.> Reply-To: IUBLibTech/newton_chymistry @.> Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 2:35 PM To: IUBLibTech/newton_chymistry @.> Cc: Subscribed @.> Subject: [External] Re: [IUBLibTech/newton_chymistry] Line break being inserted after (Issue #113)

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We found in the meeting that ALCH00063-11 still seems to be rendered improperly. I still have to work on that.

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tubesoft commented 2 years ago

Hello @aewingate I quickly looked at the rendered page of ALCH00063-11, comparing it with MS. I actually could not find any rendering issues so far. Would you be able to point out any issues from the screenshot below?

image image
aewingate commented 2 years ago

Hey @tubesoft, looking at what you have there, it looks good to me, but I don't know why it would look weird for Jim and not for you if you haven't changed anything yet.

The VPN still isn't working with my laptop so I can't see what it looks like on there, but I got it to work on my iPad. I just looked at this same page on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on my ipad on Carbon and I'm seeing the same addition of extra lines as Jim was seeing (see pictures). image image

mdalmau commented 2 years ago

If we don’t need to change the encodings to fix this, the compiled version I sent before the weekend should be good enough to let us test Takatomo’s merge version of the code.

During the meeting today, I tried to determine whether we needed to recompile the combined document given this issue.

I think that none of the encoding I downloaded Thursday needs to be changed to fix this.

Instead, the XSLT templates rendering the bibls are producing an unwanted line feed, maybe in a div that needs to be caught and handled.


From: Dalmau, Michelle Denise @.> Sent: November 2, 2021 12:01 PM To: IUBLibTech/newton_chymistry @.>; Hooper, Wallace Edd @.***> Subject: Re: [External] Re: [IUBLibTech/newton_chymistry] Line break being inserted after (Issue #113)

That means that we will need a new compilation of 63, then. Is that correct Wally?

From: Takatomo Inoue @.**@.>> Reply-To: IUBLibTech/newton_chymistry @.**@.>> Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 2:35 PM To: IUBLibTech/newton_chymistry @.**@.>> Cc: Subscribed @.**@.>> Subject: [External] Re: [IUBLibTech/newton_chymistry] Line break being inserted after (Issue #113)

This message was sent from a non-IU address. Please exercise caution when clicking links or opening attachments from external sources.

We found in the meeting that ALCH00063-11 still seems to be rendered improperly. I still have to work on that.

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tubesoft commented 2 years ago

@mdalmau Yes, the issue that @aewingate showed with the Carbon page should be fixed in the next merge. I actually self-answered this issue in #106. Thus, I think the xslt code won't be changed, while adding <p> tag rendering options will be included in my next commit. However, now I am thinking I initially might have misunderstood the issue a bit. @aewingate, do we still need a feature for suppressing margin between paragraphs?

aewingate commented 2 years ago

@tubesoft I don't think we need a feature for suppressing the space between paragraphs since the issue seems to be with the bibls.

aewingate commented 2 years ago

@tubesoft I think my theory from yesterday about the issue being with the notes is right. I just looked in Keynes MS. 57 (ALCH00046), on Carbon and on the live site, and it is only after bibls with notes inside them that the extra line breaks are inserted.

This is the live site: image The citations with blue lines under them end up having notes and the ones with red lines under them don't have notes. I'm just using this as the baseline of where the line breaks should actually be!

This is Carbon: image You can see that the blue line citations all have breaks after them while the red line ones don't. If it was the bibls themselves causing the issue, I think there would be a break on Carbon between 531 and "Hanc solutionem" in "531. Hanc solutionem" and between "p. 536" and "Anima hic pro" in "p. 536. Anima hic pro"

I guess the only notes that need line breaks after them are <note type="annotation"> and <note type="editorial"> as long as <note type="editorial"> doesn't also have the attribute place="in-line". <note type="biblio"> and just plain <note> (the ones mentioned in issue #115) don't need line breaks after htem

tubesoft commented 2 years ago

Thank you @aewingate,

<note type="biblio"> in <bibl> popups has an independent algorithm from other <note> element rendition. The linebreak issue after <bibl> is supposed to be fixed in the next update since I already figured it out in #106. To show the proof, my local environment renders like this:


On the other hand, since the issue for #115 has a different rendering process, it is not still fixed yet, which I will work on it soon.

wehooper commented 2 years ago

Issue is resolved.