IUBLibTech / newton_chymistry

New version of 'The Chymistry of Isaac Newton', using XProc pipelines to generate a website based on TEI XML encodings of Newton's alchemical manuscripts, and Apache Solr as a search engine.
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Problem in compilation ALCH00063 #118

Open tubesoft opened 2 years ago

tubesoft commented 2 years ago

Since I could not update P5 files in my local environment for a while, I did not realize the issue. There are differences between the divided ALCH00063 files (e.g. ALCH00063-04.xml) and the compiled ALCH00063.xml.

For example, in ALCH00063-04.xml, line 313:

<bibl corresp="CHYM000001.xml#Sendivogii1639" cert="unknown"><choice><abbr>Tract</abbr><expan>Tractatus</expan></choice> 4<note type="biblio" resp="alewinga">Newton is referencing "Tractatus Quartus" in Sendivogius' <hi rend="i">Novum Lumen Chymicum</hi>. It is unknown which edition he consulted here, but see pp. 26-28 of the 1639 Geneva edition (Ioannem de Tournes), which we have linked to since Newton's copy survives in the British Library [shelfmark C.112.aa.3.(1.)].</note></bibl> Quando ex centro <choice><orig>Terræ</orig><reg>Terrae</reg></choice> <del rend="strike">transit</del> sublimatur vapor iste transit per loca <lb/>

and ALCH00063.xml, line 2438:

<bibl corresp="CHYM000001.xml#Sendivogii1639" cert="unknown"><choice><abbr>Tract</abbr><expan>Tractatus</expan></choice> 4</bibl><note type="editorial" resp="alewinga">Newton is referencing "Tractatus Quartus" in Sendivogius' Novum Lumen Chymicum. It is unknown which edition he consulted here, but see pp. 26-28 of the 1639 Geneva edition (Ioannem de Tournes) which we have linked to since Newton's copy survives in the British Library [C.112.aa.3.(1.)].</note> Quando ex centro <choice><orig>Terræ</orig><reg>Terrae</reg></choice> <del rend="strike">transit</del> sublimatur vapor iste transit per loca <lb/>

To summarize, the type attribute in the note element has changed from biblio to editorial, and the note element has been outside of bibl element in ALCH00063.xml.

mdalmau commented 2 years ago

On 10/28, I received an updated version of ALCH00063.xml from Wally. I didn't upload it because there were issues going back and forth which seemed to indicate that it may need a new recompile (once again) based on encoding changes. This issue confirms this. I will need @wehooper to recompile for again and I can then get the file into Xubmit (manually). Reassigning issue to @wehooper