IUBLibTech / newton_chymistry

New version of 'The Chymistry of Isaac Newton', using XProc pipelines to generate a website based on TEI XML encodings of Newton's alchemical manuscripts, and Apache Solr as a search engine.
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Improving bibliography entries for manuscripts #125

Open aewingate opened 1 year ago

aewingate commented 1 year ago

The current fields and way we display bibliographic information for print books doesn't work well when we have to cite Newton's own manuscripts or other manuscripts.

We discussed and agreed upon the following structure for manuscript entries in CHYM000001.xml:

            <biblStruct type="manuscript" xml:id="shelfmark">
                  <title type="short">Manuscript short title</title>
                  <title level="m" ref="URL to MSS">Title from Chymistry metadata</title><!-- URL to Chymistry if ours, another repository if not -->
                     <resp>Holding institution</resp>
                     <note type="shelfmark">shelfmark</note>
                     <date>Undated</date> <!-- changed from "Unknown" so that it makes more sense in in-text citation -->

an example

<biblStruct type="manuscript" xml:id="Keynes32">
                  <title type="short">Symbola Aureae Mensae</title>
                  <title level="m" ref="https://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/newton/mss/dipl/ALCH00021">Symbola aureæ mensæ. duodecim nationum, Authore
                     Michaele Majero.</title>
                     <resp>Holding institution</resp>
                     <orgName>King's College Library, Cambridge University</orgName>
                     <note type="shelfmark">Keynes MS. 32</note>
               <!-- alewinga, found cited in Keynes 12 (ALCH00001) -->

I have it as @type="manuscript" so that the manuscript entries can be distinguished from the print books (which already have @type="book")

The fields we'd want to show up in the bibliography on the site are: Short Title (<title type="short">) Full Title (<title level="m">) [versus print books have "Title Page"] Author (<author>) Date (<date>) Holding Institution(<orgName>) Shelfmark (note[@type='shelfmark']) Link to Fulltext (title[@level='m']/@ref)

For the in-text citations, in addition to what is already there, (author, short title, date), I think we'd want the holding institution (<orgName>) and the shelfmark (note[@type='shelfmark']) So something like: Newton, Isaac. Symbola Aureae Mensae. Undated. Holding Institution, Shelfmark. <surname>,<forename>. <title type="short">. <date>. <orgName>, note type="shelfmark"]

tubesoft commented 1 year ago

@aewingate I have some questions.

  1. According to your description, the short title goes first in each item. The current authoritative bibliography starts with the author, and the item is sorted by author (surname). To me, if we want to sort it by the author, we should keep the author first in the item. Do you have any specific idea about it?

  2. DId you already upload code that actually refers to the manuscript entries? If it exists, that helps for testing. Even if it is not on Xubmit, it's okay. I can make up somewhere.

Thank you!

tubesoft commented 1 year ago

As for question no. 2, I added your example entry above in CHYM00001 and called it at a random location. It goes like these:

image image
aewingate commented 1 year ago

Hi @tubesoft!

  1. You're right, we should have author before the short title and sort by author last name.
  2. I haven't uploaded a code with the manuscript entries the way we want them to Xubmit yet. I just started editing them now, and there is an issue with the schema that I am checking with Michelle about. When that's fixed, I'll upload a version of CHYM000001 that has the correctly formatted entries for the manuscripts for you.
  3. The screenshots you show look excellent! The only thing I would change is for "Title Page" to be "Full Title" since there isn't really a title page for the manuscript. We might check with the bigger group after break to see if they agree with me, so I would leave it as is for now. They might prefer something else, and I wonder if there's an argument to making that field a "secundo folio".
tubesoft commented 1 year ago

@aewingate Thanks. Okay, then, please update here once the things are fixed.

aewingate commented 1 month ago

@tubesoft Since Michelle updated the schema reference for me, I've been able to update CHYM000001 with all of the items that should be @type='manuscript'. If you want to test again, the @xml:id of relevant bibliography items are:

Let me know if/what you need from me for further testing/fixing!

tubesoft commented 1 month ago

@aewingate I tested one of them:

image image
aewingate commented 1 month ago

@tubesoft, that looks great! I think it's good to go.