IUBLibTech / newton_chymistry

New version of 'The Chymistry of Isaac Newton', using XProc pipelines to generate a website based on TEI XML encodings of Newton's alchemical manuscripts, and Apache Solr as a search engine.
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Render editorial markup as in legacy site #16

Closed Conal-Tuohy closed 4 years ago

Conal-Tuohy commented 5 years ago

All diplomatic and normalized manuscript styling reflecting editorial interventions needs to be preserved as seen on the current web site.

See styling cheatsheet for some basic orientation.

Conal-Tuohy commented 5 years ago

I have not even made a start on this, but it would be helpful to be able to extract from the legacy rendering stylesheets all the Newton-specific, custom code. To do this it would be necessary I think to find the original version of the TEI stylesheets which this codebase is derived from. By performing a "diff" we can find what has been added. I haven't yet tracked down the source of these stylesheets; if someone can point me to it that would be appreciated.

Conal-Tuohy commented 5 years ago

Do we want to base the new display on the current version of the TEI stylesheets? (i.e. a customisation layer on top of the standard stylesheets)

Or should I just write a stylesheet from scratch, to handle all the TEI markup which is actually used in the corpus?


jawalsh commented 5 years ago

I think the Newton stylesheets are based on old Swinburne Project stylesheets that were based on Sebastian Rahtz's TEI P4 stylesheets. I have an old set of the Swinburne stylesheets but I don't know in what state they are or when they were last changed relative to the forking off of the Newton stylesheets. They were abandoned long ago when Swinburne switched to P5.

mdalmau commented 5 years ago

Swinburne-based/TEI original stylesheets: https://iu.box.com/s/afeom6msbdnl8pjw7pmmgzv34m755q16

Conal-Tuohy commented 4 years ago

This is now done and @wehooper is checking it and raising issues in regard to exceptions. This broadly scoped issue is no longer needed.