IUNO-TDM / MixerControl

The control and HMI of the drink mixing robot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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socketio-client-2 fail #133

Open bockha opened 6 years ago

bockha commented 6 years ago

If MixerControl is stopped, the python socketio-client-2 goes nuts.

WARNING:socketIO-client-2:localhost:3000/socket.io [waiting for connection] HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=3000): Max retries exceeded with url: /socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=1519047016712-0 (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x74bf1cd0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))
bockha commented 6 years ago

This is a forked version of 'socketIO-client' to implement the Socket.io 2.x changes. https://pypi.org/project/socketIO-client-nexus/0.7.6/