Scalable Quality Assurance for Neuroimaging - (SQAN): A full-stack system solution for extracting, translating, and logging (ETL) + web portal-based quality-control verification of DICOM-formatted medical imaging data/metadata.
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SQAN: Develop Precision QC setup (fka Whitelist) #125

Closed agopu closed 3 years ago

agopu commented 4 years ago

Mostly because of stakeholder (RADY) needs, our QC system has always been based on a) a template data set b) a blacklist model in which one could exclude series, keywords, etc.

Based on our own wishlist item and per a requirement expressed by our Dartmouth/Harvard collaborators, we would like to develop a whitelist based model in which only certain keywords and/or series are QCed. This is relatively straight forward at least when set at the level of modality.

agopu commented 4 years ago

This would need changes both on the UI side and on the DB/QC backend.

agopu commented 3 years ago

@youngmd has implemented an early version of this and has deployed on rady-test.sca.iu.edu ; we plan to push this production this week. Mike is going the extra mile in saving all manual QC overrides and comments while reQCing all failures with the new model.

youngmd commented 3 years ago

This has been deployed to production. We have a meeting on Dec 9th for potential updates/changes to the QC key list, but any issues arriving from that should receive their own tickets.