Scalable Quality Assurance for Neuroimaging - (SQAN): A full-stack system solution for extracting, translating, and logging (ETL) + web portal-based quality-control verification of DICOM-formatted medical imaging data/metadata.
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SQAN: Prototype linking CT and PT exams #131

Closed agopu closed 1 year ago

agopu commented 4 years ago

Per discussion in today's zoom call and also in early Dec, we will develop an early implementation of linking CT and PT exams. This would entail

The plan is to discuss this in next week's RADY call if possible.

aiavenak commented 4 years ago

I have added a link between two exams (based on identical StudyInstanceUID and Subject ID) from different modalities. Each exam document in the DB points to its matching exam in the other modality (if the match exists).

I've added a chain-link icon next to the exam's StudyTimestamp, in the Exam-view. The link icon does not currently link the exams in the UI... It will take some work to get the UI to navigate from one exam to the other matching exam when the use clicks on the link. My sense is that this feature may have to wait until we move everything to Vue but I'll let Mike make that call ;)

Screenshot from 2020-02-27 14-40-41

agopu commented 4 years ago

From today's zoom meeting notes

Andrea: We have two issues (questions): 1) what do you expect to see? Would you want to be able to click on it so you go to the CT data for that subject? 2) how does that affect the QC process? How do we know there should be a PT/CT linkage?

Karmen: Technically, you cannot acquire PT without CT but that’s not always the case. For e.g. the scanner will force you to do so. We want to know when one exists without the other. John: Without the CT which is used for attenuation correction, which makes PET reconstruction impossible.

Karmen: Ideally, any time there is a PET image dataset, there should be indication if associated CT acquisition is available. John: Highlight absence of such a CT acquisition. John: This does NOT apply for PET/MR. Andrea: Right now we look for ANY links between datasets; we have to modify it not to be so generalized and just look for PET/CT datasets.

Arvind: So, we don’t have to worry about the QC status of the associated PET/CT datasets, we just need to INSIST on the presence of an associated CT dataset for any PET dataset on PET/CT studies. Karmen: First pass, yes. In best case scenario, perfect data this is fine. John: This should cover 90% of the cases.

agopu commented 1 year ago

Closing stake ticket; SQAN has not been as much of a priority and has been in steady state mode. CC @charlesbrandt