Scalable Quality Assurance for Neuroimaging - (SQAN): A full-stack system solution for extracting, translating, and logging (ETL) + web portal-based quality-control verification of DICOM-formatted medical imaging data/metadata.
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Schedule F2F demo to both Technologists and Researchers (preferably the same day) - Apr 29-May 3 #70

Closed agopu closed 5 years ago

agopu commented 5 years ago

John to schedule F2F demo to both:

... preferably the same day, shooting for the week of Apr 29-May 3...

agopu commented 5 years ago

From Slack

John West [8:47 AM] @channel Hi all. Going to start the process of getting time scheduled for the end of the month for our show and tell meeting. I'm going to send out time ranges but want to make sure I don't set it too early since you will be traveling. When would be the earliest time I should set for these meetings? Also let me know if the are any times that just won't work for you that week. This would be 4/29-5/3. Thanks!

Arvind Gopu [9:24 AM] @jdwest 1 1/2 - 2 hours in the AM, then in the PM (one w/ technologists; and the other w/ researchers) might be sufficient/apt? I am definitely ok starting at 10a and going up to, say, 3p -- this could technically allow for meetings from 10:30-12ish and 1:30-3 with time in between for lunch and prep/regrouping/follow-up. If need be, I could start earlier and go on longer as well... odds are Mike's schedule would be the deciding factor (re: dropping off his kids at school/bus stand, etc.)

Polly APP [9:25 AM] @agopu has a poll for you! Acceptable face to face meeting times (Indy) You may vote for multiple options 9a-4p ▇▇▇ 8% (1) @agopu 10a-3p ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 15% (2) @youngmd, @agopu Monday ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 23% (3) @mparamas, @youngmd, @agopu Tuesday ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 15% (2) @mparamas, @agopu Wed ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 15% (2) @youngmd, @agopu Thu ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 15% (2) @youngmd, @agopu Fri ▇▇▇ 8% (1) @youngmd Total votes 13

John West [9:29 AM] Thanks Arvind. I can be flexible. Just want to give appropriate options when I send to the technologists and researchers.

Arvind Gopu [9:31 AM] @jdwest I know, figured I will give a quick slack poll a chance in case it's helpful.

John West [9:31 AM] @agopu Agreed. Definitely a good idea.

Arvind Gopu [9:32 AM] Vote early, vote often :smile:

mparamas [10:55 AM] May 1st, out at 2:30. May 2nd, busy from 1:30p. All other times open from 4/29 to 5/3, as of now.

John West [1:29 PM] @here Ok, looks like 10-3 is the best option as of now and that Monday is the best day. How should we approach this do you think? Should I open up times (10-12) and (1-3) all days and we'll work around it the best we can or should we only open up a couple of days and hope we get something to work? We could also do the following week (5/6-5/10) if that works better.

Arvind Gopu [3:32 PM] Spoke briefly with John to clarify. He is going to shoot for doing these on the same day if we can pull it off. We will go from there.