Please provide a brief description of the changes made in this PR.
Related Issue(s)
Closes #158
If applicable, please reference the issue(s) that this PR addresses. If the PR does not address any specific issue, you can remove this section.
Changes Made
List the main changes made in this PR. Be as specific as possible.
[x] Feature added
[x] Code refactored
[x] Documentation updated
[x] Other changes: [describe]
-- Added loading indicators to Project-Datasets table and SearchAndSelect widget.
-- Added debouce to DatasetSelect's search.
Before submitting this PR, please make sure that:
[x] Your code passes linting and coding style checks.
[x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes.
[x] You have reviewed your own code and resolved any merge conflicts.
[x] You have requested a review from at least one team member.
[x] Any relevant issue(s) have been linked to this PR.
Please provide a brief description of the changes made in this PR.
Related Issue(s)
Closes #158
If applicable, please reference the issue(s) that this PR addresses. If the PR does not address any specific issue, you can remove this section.
Changes Made
List the main changes made in this PR. Be as specific as possible.
Before submitting this PR, please make sure that: