The 'Associated projects' table displays the details of the projects associated with the dataset. It has the pagination, search, and sort features.
This table displays Name, Users, Datasets, Created_at, Updated_at, Assigned_at, and Assigner as columns.
1.) The name column demonstrates the project name in the link form. When clicked on, it will navigate to the respective project page.
2.) The Users column displays the list of users who are involved in the project.
3.) The Datasets column shows the number of datasets that are involved with the project.
4.) The Created_at column explains the date on which the project was created.
5.) The Updated_at column explains the date on which the project was recently updated.
6.) The Assigned_at column explains the date when the project is assigned to the respective dataset.
7.) The Assignor column displays the name of the user who assigned the dataset to this project.
Closes #[257]
Changes Made
Added a dropdown component of the table 'Associated Projects' on the dataset page.
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[ ] Other changes: [describe]
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[X] Your code passes linting and coding style checks.
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[ ] Any relevant issue(s) have been linked to this PR.
The 'Associated projects' table displays the details of the projects associated with the dataset. It has the pagination, search, and sort features.
This table displays Name, Users, Datasets, Created_at, Updated_at, Assigned_at, and Assigner as columns.
1.) The name column demonstrates the project name in the link form. When clicked on, it will navigate to the respective project page. 2.) The Users column displays the list of users who are involved in the project. 3.) The Datasets column shows the number of datasets that are involved with the project. 4.) The Created_at column explains the date on which the project was created. 5.) The Updated_at column explains the date on which the project was recently updated. 6.) The Assigned_at column explains the date when the project is assigned to the respective dataset. 7.) The Assignor column displays the name of the user who assigned the dataset to this project.
Closes #[257]
Changes Made
Added a dropdown component of the table 'Associated Projects' on the dataset page.
List the main changes made in this PR. Be as specific as possible.
Screenshots (if applicable)
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