IUSCA / bioloop

Scientific data management portal and pipeline application template
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Fix styles in Bioloop modals #334

Closed ri-pandey closed 2 weeks ago

ri-pandey commented 3 weeks ago

Several modals in Bioloop have the following issues:

  1. When providing fixed-layout to va-modal, the modal's title has unnecessary left-padding.

  2. When providing fixed-layout to va-modal, the modal's content does not actually allow vertical scrolling, and instead, the modal grows in height. add_users_gif

  3. Some modals have inputs that do not take the full width of the modal (also seen in the first snapshot).

Other modals affected:

xenium_dataset_edit_modal xenium_dataset_search_modal xenium_delete_project_modal xenium_proj_datasets_modal xenium_project_user_modal xenium_user_modal