IUSCA / sca-issues

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HPC everywhere: Suggested improvement to job script generator #12

Closed agopu closed 5 years ago

agopu commented 5 years ago

Via https://tickets.pti.iu.edu/Ticket/Display.html?id=209426 from Dr. Noah Stoffman

Hi, it would be great if the script generator automatically added the line

#PBS -l gres=ccm

to scripts when neede, and either automatically added or reminded users to include ccmrun/aprun in their scripts.

This is an excellent idea! I've let him know we plan to implement this soon. And that we alsp plan to implement a "Script Doctor" feature that will alert users to possible error conditions that we've come across many times in the past.

agopu commented 5 years ago

Sorry, for some reason the ticket I'd opened previously https://github.com/IUSCA/sca-issues/issues/10 did not show up when I went searching for it. Closing this duplicate.