data GenLocated l e = L l e
type family Anno a b = b
-- type family $wf'Anno a b
type family XRec p a = r | r -> a
-- type family $wf'XRec p a = r | r -> a
type instance XRec (GhcPass p) a = GenLocated (Anno a) a
-- $wf'XRec (GhcPass p) a = (GenLocated @ Anno a, GenLocated (Anno a) @ a, $wf'Anno a)
gives an error:
Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation.
Type variable ‘a’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side.
In the type family equation:
$wf'XRec (GhcPass p) a = (GenLocated @ Anno a,
GenLocated (Anno a) @ a, $wf'Anno a)
-- Defined at compiler/GHC/Hs/Extension.hs:100:15
I think the issue is that (GenLocated @ Anno a, GenLocated (Anno a) @ a) should just reduce to ()
giving us:
gives an error:
I think the issue is that (GenLocated @ Anno a, GenLocated (Anno a) @ a) should just reduce to () giving us:
Also should mirror WF TFs really be injective?