IagoSRL / TBX-Unified-Search

Thunderbird extension that unify the features of global search box and quick filter box in an unique widget.
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Suggestion: eliminate the 'Vertical Menu' option... #15

Closed tanstaafl closed 11 years ago

tanstaafl commented 12 years ago

This also has caused a lot of confusion, mainly because, when this is enabled, if the user enters any text into the searchbox, then clears it, then goes about their businethe next time they click into the searchbox, the vertical menu does not appear *whenhorizintal mode, it always appears as soon as you click into the searchbox). I guess the fact that the vertical menu doesn't appear is actually a bug, but in my opinion, the vertical menu is of no value, and I don't know anyone who uses it.

So, please, either fix the bug so that the Vertical menu pops down when the user click into the searchbox just like the horizontal bar, or, as I said, you could just eliminate this as an option and just have the Horizintal bar.

since the Horizintal bar appears as soon as you click into the searchbox, if you also eliminated the option to display the Vertical menu, you could also lose another icon inside the searchbox (the icon to switch to 'Show menu or bar with quick filter options...), as well as the big black arrow iconthat is on the far right of the horizontal bar when the filter options are being displayed.

I think this (eliminating the vertical menu option) would also eliminate some of the confusion.

But it is your choice... fix the bug, or eliminate the option...

Thanks again Iago, you rock!

IagoSRL commented 12 years ago

Hi Tanstaafl,

Because Unified Search born like a proof of concept of several ideas published at bugzilla, no was intended to be widely used else to testing, including more options that really are need it, to test what is best and what worse. And your feedback (and feedback from people you know using the extension) is very useful for this purpose, thanks you! From last comments at bugzilla, I'm thinking in create a simpler version of the widget, just removing buttons, supplementary options, pulishing some things, to push a widget that 'could be' the final widget, and not a testing widget.

Remove vertical menu from the final 'quick filter widget' concept is a good idea. In Unified Search was included because was a copy of the concept created by Thomas D. at bugzilla (mockup v3 attachment), with some enhancements. Vertical menu work like a normal menu, is not opened by default (is not a bug, menus only open when the user wants) you can click or press 'down key' button when inside the widget box and then use keyboard shortcuts or click on the options. But finally, in the battle 'popup/horizontal bar' versus 'menu/vertical bar', I think too the winner is the first ;-)

Thanks very much, IagoSRL

tanstaafl commented 12 years ago

Hi Iago,

Ok, understand now how it isn't a bug, thanks for the explanation.

As to your comment about simplifying the widget to try to get it included in the core code, I agree completely.

If you remove the Vertical Menu option/functionality, that loses one button in the searchbox, and one button in the options panel.

If you also fix it so that the Global option is not shown if/when GLODA is disabled, that would remove another button in my case, but obviously only for those who disable GLODA, of which I know many people who do just that.

That said, I do like the integration of Global Search and Simple Quickfiltering in the same searchbox, so I'd argue to leave that button/capability in, again, as long as the button disappears on systems with GLODA disabled.

I would also argue to please keep both the 'pin' button/icon and the 'x' clear button/icon, as I use these a lot.

IagoSRL commented 11 years ago

I will close this issue because is not really a bug, but is a good idea to be implemented in the new unified search widget #22.

About the suggestion on maintain the pin button ('sticky pin'), the idea is to remove that but preserving the feature in a better way as requested in issue #21

Thanks a lot for the ideas and feedback!