IamKingWaiMark / FBP

Firebase Plugin for Unreal Engine
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I just bought your plugin. #16

Open SanaanShamsi opened 2 months ago

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

I just bought your plugin, and as soon as I initiate, my game crashes, and it does not package the game anymore. I am using unreal 4.27.2. Prior to the plugin the game was working fine, and is live on googleplay. I can't seem to find your email address any to contact you. I did post this question on the epic store and messaged your Instagram. Please revert back as soon as you can. Waiting....

IamKingWaiMark commented 2 months ago

Hello, what error are you getting?

Did you add the googleplayservices.json or plist file?

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the response! Let me share the error log

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago


SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

And this is the error the comes up when you try to package it.

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): BUILD FAILED in 3m 23s UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c "D:\Unth_Games\Cats_N_Ninja\Intermediate\Android\gradle\rungradle.bat" :app:bundleRelease UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): (see C:\Users\UNTH002\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.27\Log.txt for full exception trace) UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown) UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): BUILD FAILED PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Hello, what error are you getting?

Did you add the googleplayservices.json or plist file?

I did that. The way you did it in your video tutorial.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Can you fix this? Because I just got this, and this plugin, and your content seemed reliable. Waiting for your reply.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Waiting for your reply...

IamKingWaiMark commented 2 months ago

Hi try enabling Realtime Database and Firestore in the Firebase console. Then get a new googleservices,json file

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Okay, let me try this, and get back to you. Please stay here.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

[Uploading error2.txt…]()

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

This is the error this time when it crashes

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

If its something which is not fixable then can you refund? I can attach you the receipt of the marketplace so you can verify. I wanted firebase analytics to start my Troas campaign. Let me know waiting.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Did you check the screenshot and the video I shared? Any idea what's going on??

IamKingWaiMark commented 2 months ago

Hi, you should be able to request a refund through the Unreal Engine marketplace support. There is no refund option from the Marketplace side.

Try updating the UPL file for the plugin:

  1. Go to where you installed Unreal Engine and locate the plugin folder: e.g. Program Files > Epic Games > UE_4.27 > Engine > Plugins > Marketplace > FBP > Source > FBP
  2. Open the FBPluginAndroid_UPL.xml file
  3. Delete the item
  4. Add this at the top, inside the item.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

If you can help/guide me make it work, then I do not wish a refund but if its basically not working, then what should I do? I will try doing what you said. and let me get it back to you. Will revert back shortly.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Add what at the top?

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

I have located the file, and opened it. Didn't get what to delete, and what to add. Can you elaborate?

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago


IamKingWaiMark commented 2 months ago

Delete the resourceCopies


        <copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../../../google-services.json"
                  dst="$S(BuildDir)/gradle/app/google-services.json" />
        <copyFile src="$S(BuildDir)/../../../google-services.json"
                  dst="$S(BuildDir)/gradle/app/google-services.json" />
        <copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../../../google-services.json"
                  dst="$S(BuildDir)/gradle/AFSProject/app/google-services.json" />
        <copyFile src="$S(BuildDir)/../../../google-services.json"
                  dst="$S(BuildDir)/gradle/AFSProject/app/google-services.json" />


        <copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../../../google-services.json"
                  dst="$S(BuildDir)/gradle/app/google-services.json" />
        <copyFile src="$S(BuildDir)/../../../google-services.json"
                  dst="$S(BuildDir)/gradle/app/google-services.json" />
        <copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/../../../../google-services.json"
                  dst="$S(BuildDir)/gradle/AFSProject/app/google-services.json" />
        <copyFile src="$S(BuildDir)/../../../google-services.json"
                  dst="$S(BuildDir)/gradle/AFSProject/app/google-services.json" />
SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago


SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

I edited as per you advice but unfortunately it's still not working. Still crashing... Let me know what to do? Waiting for your reply.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

It crashed immediately again with the same error message.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Let me know when you are around. Waiting

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Dude any updates??? Been waiting for quite a while now. I have bought quite a few plugins from the marketplace but this is the first time I am facing this... Please respond as soon as you see these messages, and let know what to do.

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

Can you please respond? Is it something that you can fix or this plugin just doesn't work?

SanaanShamsi commented 2 months ago

I have been trying to reach you for almost two days, sending messages at different intervals and being very patient. However, you haven't responded at all. This is disappointing and unprofessional. You could have informed me if you are not serious about this or if you don't have time, and I could have requested a refund. I have purchased several plugins from the marketplace before, but this is the first time I have encountered such a situation.