IamKingWaiMark / FBP

Firebase Plugin for Unreal Engine
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Crash in build when incorrect info given #6

Open wenglash opened 11 months ago

wenglash commented 11 months ago

I have this set up so that when the user enters the wrong email and password it will show a warning message. It works in the editor but crashes in build.


IamKingWaiMark commented 11 months ago

Hi do you happen to have the logs? And for Windows or Mac?

I just tested on Windows on the editor and packaged build (development and shipping) and it worked fine.

Attached is also a video of the test.


wenglash commented 11 months ago

I should have clarified, it works for me when calling a print string from the callbacks but using any other functionality (like turning on a warning message widget) is what causes the crash.

I will see if I can get the logs for you, I'm building to a Meta Quest 2 and I'm not sure how to get the logs from it yet. I just tested a Windows build and the Windows build works fine

IamKingWaiMark commented 11 months ago

Ok thanks. Will probably need to see the logs to find out the issue.

I think Meta Quest uses a modified version of Android and may have some conflict. with the Firebase CPP SDK.

GrfxGuru commented 7 months ago

I'm experiencing the same problem but in the editor (5.3.2) on a Mac. A print block works fine, but anything else causes UE to crash for me.

I can confirm that it works as expected when I run on Windows. However, the Password reset crashes when trying to hook to another block.

IamKingWaiMark commented 7 months ago

Hi, can you post a screenshot?

GrfxGuru commented 7 months ago

Sure, what do you need a screenshot of, the BluePrint code?

IamKingWaiMark commented 7 months ago


GrfxGuru commented 7 months ago

This is the password reset blueprint on Windows that crashes UE
