IamReallyOverrated / Runelite_ChatFilter

An updated regex for the RuneLite chat filter, no more annoying spam at the GE!
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Update on bot from PR #15 #16

Closed tfemby closed 5 months ago

tfemby commented 5 months ago

The bot from the previous PR has changed it's string slightly. Making the rs portion of the string into reluctant quantifier capture groups should capture:

pengrs pengr pengs

Example of some of that bots messages as of today:

Discord.Gg/peng Looking to get Dizana's quiver? Join now! Discord.Gg/peng Blood Torva / Hard Mode Kits / Infernal capes! Discord.Gg/peng We offer Remote which means 0% Ban Rate! Discord.Gg/peng Tired of dying trying to get Quiver? Join now!

I can potentially foresee them changing it to pengosrs in the future but I'll deal with that when or it it becomes an problem.

Psicoses commented 5 months ago

I added a word boundary so it doesn't catch things like penguin.

tfemby commented 5 months ago

Good catch