IamReallyOverrated / Runelite_ChatFilter

An updated regex for the RuneLite chat filter, no more annoying spam at the GE!
22 stars 9 forks source link

Large miscellaneous additions from my own repo #5

Closed spaghetti-guy closed 10 months ago

spaghetti-guy commented 10 months ago

Love the idea of this plugin. I don't play very much anymore, but when I do hop on I try to update my regex filter list over at my own repo. It's in a slightly different format than yours, but it works well enough. I'll paste it below in case there is anything useful you'd like to take from it.

Filtered Names

(coin|royal|vegas|veg|raise|gamble|rng|roll|trusted|frost|dice|host) .{3,4}
.{3,4} (coin|royal|vegas|veg|raise|gamble|rng|roll|trusted|frost|dice|host).*
BET .+

Filtered Regex

^.*mr br?e+a+s+t.*
^.*br?e+a+s+t burger.*
^.*just tried to do something very silly!
^.*(trump|biden) \d{2,5}.*
^.*identify as.*helicopter.*

^.*fat swap.*
[<gt>\[]+ *(99 swap|trade rs|gamer swap|ac swap|eco swap|coswap) *[<lt>\]]
<gt> *(trade rs|gamer swap|ac swap) *<lt>
<gt> *eco *swap *<lt>
to swap your RS3
safe rs3 and 07 swap.*
lee swap

^.*\[.+\] is a lurer using glitches to scam you out of( your)? items!* *$
^.*\[beware\] these players are (scam|lur)
^.*\[beware\] of the following pvp (scam|lur) 
^.*\[.+\] is a known (scamm|lur)er
^.*[\w -_]{1,12} is a (scamm|lur)er( beware,)? tr(ying|ies) to gain( ur)? trust w/ fake antiscam!
^.*scam+ers alert! "
^.*add '[\w\-_ ]+' *to ignore, (he will try to gain ur trust w/|tries gaining trust with) fake antiscam! *$
^.*beware (of )*fake antiscams, if it's too good to be true; then it is! *$
^.*lurers to ignore\:
^.*\].*are hacked accounts to scam!* *$
^.*do n\.?o\.?t search for (keyword )?giveaways on youtub
not safe on pvp.+you never get the sceptre
scammer on hacked account
^.*is a (well)?.*(known)? lurer.*
^Do not trust \[.*
^.*scam tactics are old.*
^.*plz+ help me report.*
^.*keep the reports coming.*
^.*this scammer.*using a fake.*bot
^\[.+\] is manipulating you to.*
^\[.+\] convinces you to help.*
^.*fake anti-scam story.*

^.*(does )?any[ -]?(one|body)( (in )?here)? (have|got) *(a|some)?( full)? rune *(armou?r *)?(se?t)?( for me( to (have|keep))?)?\?* *$
^.*(take?|ac+ept)ing( al+)? (gift|donation|trade)s?( pl(ease|[sz]))? *$
^.*dance?ing (for|4) (money|coins|items|\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?)[!\.]* *$
^.*selling jokes?!* *$
^.*dancing for (free )?(money|items|gp|junk|stuff)!* *$
^.*take?ing a(ll|ny) (junk|item)
^.*clean out your banks! *$
^.*first to give me \d+m.*
^.*can anyone donate \d*.*
^.*someone (trade me|spare) \d+ *(m|k|b).*
looking for genuine people.*

^.*spending 2147m.*
^.*spending max cash.*
^.*show \d+ *[kmb](il+)? for (max cash|2[\.,]?147 *m|2([\.,]1)? *b)
^.*2(.1)?b for[ \?]*$
^.*show inv(en?tory)? for (\d{1,4}[bm]|max (cash|stack))
^.*(spending|offer for) (max cash|2[\.,]?147 *m|2([\.,]1)? *b) *\??
^.*do?ub+ling? (all )?(coin|gp|money|gold|item)[sz]? *!* *$
giving \d{1,3}( percent|%) of what you (show|trade)
^.*rewarding generosity!* *$
increasing banks by 10% 1 time only 1 trade
^.*trade?ing up .+
^.*doubling (money|g(old|p)).+\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? left
^.*buy(ing)? (g[hr]+azi|rap[ie]+r|t(wisted|[ -]?bow)|el+y|dwh).* (\d{3,4} *[kmb](il+)?|max (cash|stack|gp))
^.*(buy|sel+)ing (all )?burn(t|e?d) food
^.*(buy(ing)?|sell me( all)?) (sanguinesti staff|dragon hunter lance|kodai wand|ancestral set|arcane spirit shield|dragon hunter crossbow|dhcb|dragon claws|dragon warhammer|armadyl set and dhcb|armadyl set|scythe of vitur|inquisitor|ancient? hilt?|arcane and ancestral set) (\d+m.*|good offer!*|no joke.*)
^.*lo+l i pay \d+m for.*
^.*buying all valuable items.*
^.*t ?bow.*\?+ sell me for.*
^.*sell(s)? me all( your)? (bank|valuable items).*
^Doubling your money \d+m
^Who'll give me \d+m knowing.*
^.*Show me over \d+m.*
^.*(multiply|double|triple) your gold.*
^.*selly? my bank for \d+m

##Phishing and Services##
^.*crypto currency needs.*
next \d+ players get \d+ *[kmb](il+)?.+you[ -]*tube
.+chance.+win.+t([ -]?bow|wisted).+you[ -]*tube
fuck(\(\)|0|o) fuckm
^.*quitting,next 25 plyrs get
^.*quitting,\d{1,4}[bm] gp giveaway search youtube:-
r *s *m *a *l *l *s *\. *c *
next \d{1,3} players gets? \d{1,3}m.+search.+\w{3,4}\d{3,4}.+(facebook|youtube)
^.*huge \d{1,3}[mb] giveaway started!+ *$
^.*search ".+" on facebook *$
^.*\d{1,4}[mb] giveaway.+first come first serve! *$
^.*(((1 ?|fir)st|next) )?(one|player|person|user|account|guy|dude)? to show( me)? .+ (will )?(win|get|rec[ei]+ve?)s?
^.*watch the video follow the steps and trade me!
^.*visit rngbets\.net
 y[0o]u?tube *<gt> *[a-z]{3,4}\d{3,4} *$
s *e *l *l *r *s *0 *7
watch and win [a-z]{3,4}\d{3,4} ytbe *$
you,_,tube to win n0w *$
(win|give[ -]?away).+["']*[a-z]{3,4}\d{3,4}["']* [o0]n y[o0]u?,? ?tu?be *$
twitch.+giveaway.+drop part
raffles and giveaways
quitting giveaway
^*players.*search Youtube.*
Need a Infernal Cape?
^.*07.*drop party tonight.*
^.*y0tube -.*
^.*C *<> *M.*
^.*fast.*no id.*
^.*accounts? for sale.*

^.*(imposter|warning)+:.*(play fakes|fake host)+.*
^.*w-o-n \d+.*[kmb].+with a roll of
^.*\d+.*[kmb] paid out to .+ @ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d [ap]m *$
\| *\( *\d+ *k min(imum)? *\) *\|
\| (arena|duel|low|high|(royal )?slots|odd) \(![adlhsro]\)
\| legit dice games
was to busy trade declined \(\d/\d\)
roll of \(
 you löst with röll of
\| *5[45]x2 *\|
 has ((won|lost) slots|been paid).+\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\] *$
over \d{1,3}.\d\d(b|t) paid
^.*automated host \|
^.*runebet \(\)
ubc bets.+win more
over.+paid ! \|
\|.+dice war.+\|
^.*massive payouts *\|
\| trusted & fun dicing
^casino located @
has (won|lost)( \d+[km]!?)? with a roll of
my m[iíl1]n[iíl1]m[uüú]m and max[iíl1]m[uüú]m bet [iíl1]s between
has received their winnin?gs of:
t bet on fakes! \|
 \|\| huge payouts!
rng \d{4,5} [0-2][0-9](:[0-5][0-9]){2} *$
^.*trade accepted for .+ amount: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?
- \(trade to play\) - 
rolled a \[ \d{1,2} \] and 
 has (been paid the|traded) \[ \d{1,4}(\.\d+)? *[kmb](il+)? \]
 my m[iíl1]n[iíl1]m[uüú]m and max[iíl1]m[uüú]m is \[
\|\| huge payouts
^.*trade from .+: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?
\| rng \d{4,5} [0-2][0-9](:[0-5][0-9]){2} *$
 wins! \d{1,4} *[kmb] *(il+)? with a \d{1,3} *$
 has received: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? *$
 my bet (are|is) \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? coins\. *$
\| *\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? m[iíl1]n[iíl1]m[uüú]m *\|
^.*[\w\-_ ]+ lost :\( with a \d{1,3} *$
^.*[\w\-_ ]+ wins! \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? with a \d{1,3} *$
^.*[\w\-_ ]+ has received: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? *$
^.*[\w\-_ ]+ my bet (are|is) \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?\+ coins\. *$
^.*the queue has \(\d{1,3}\) people\.( *\[\d{1,3}\] (win|loss) streak!)? *$
\| *55 *\+ wins! *\|
^.*congratulations to [\w\-_ ]+ on a win of \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?! *$
^.*(my m[iíl1]n[iíl1]m[uüú]m and maxim[uüú]m bet is|this machine only accepts coins\.) \(\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? to \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?\) coins\. try again\. *$
\| *\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? m[iíl1]n([iíl1]m[uüú]m)? *\|
^.*[\w\-_ ]+ has declined the trade\. *$
^.*trade accepted by [\w\-_ ]+: \d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)? *$
[\|l] *roll( over)? 5[45]\* *[\|l]
^.*bot still works while muted
^.*\([\w\-_ ]+\) has (been paid|cashed in)
^.*massive payouts!
you (have )?rolled a \(\d\d\)
^.*\*+ has won:
(won|lost) (with ?|roll ?){2} .?\d{1,3}
^.*roll 5\d\+
\) roll \d\d *\+ \(
\(game: .+\) id: \d+ *$
has cashed in: *\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?
has run out of time. try again. *$
lost with a roll of \(\d+\) *$
lost fruit slots with \(.+\) *$
has been paid *\d{1,4} *[kmb](il+)?! @
^.*hide your name from game results with \(!p\)rivate\. *$
^\[Private\] has.*
^.* has cashed in:
Hide your name from game
^.*bet mystery box is active!
^.*trading with.*current game:.*
^.*has Lost slots \(.*
^.*opened the mystery box and received a bonus \d.*
^.* has been paid:.*
^.*has paid.*\[\d+(m|k|b)\]
^.*(won|lost) \d+(m|k|b) with a roll.*
^.*Massive? Payouts.*
^.*Huge Winnings.*
^.* \| trading:
^.*open dicing host.*
^.*\[high ?55\].*
^.*!v(erify)? automation
^.*this proves it'?s automated.*
^.*sad I got sniped on the other world.*
^.*Automation \[.\].*
^.*trade requirement ready.*
^.*gamble now!.*
^.*play responsibly.*limits.*
^.*id: *\d{3,}
^.*[("]coin fair[)"].*
^.*» *available «.*

Psicoses commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the additions! I've been slowly adding these to the untested branch as I've played. There's a good bit of redundant entries here, but this will definitely save me some time.