Iamogeee / BusinessConnect

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Rec system live version 7 #25

Closed Iamogeee closed 2 months ago

Iamogeee commented 2 months ago

Summary of the Recommendation System

Type of Recommendation System: Hybrid Recommendation System

Initial Recommendations:

Collect User Preferences and assign weights:

Score Businesses: Higher scores for matching categories, closer locations, and matching ratings.

Select Top Businesses: Recommend the top-scoring businesses.

Enhanced Recommendations (After 3 Likes):

Analyze Liked Businesses and assign weights:

Score Businesses: Higher scores for matching price levels, closer distances, and higher ratings. Select Top Businesses: Recommend the top-scoring businesses.

Advanced Recommendations (Using Logistic Regression):

Trigger: After sufficient liked interactions (>=12 liked businesses). Prepare Data: Feature Vectors: Combine user preferences and business attributes. Target Vector: User ratings (essentially what my mdoel is trying to predict). Train Model: Logistic regression model using combined features and target vectors. Predict Preferences: Calculate probabilities of liking each business. Select Top Businesses: Recommend businesses with the highest predicted probabilities.

This hybrid recommendation system evolves with user interactions, providing personalized and increasingly accurate recommendations by combining heuristic-based initial recommendations with a machine learning model.


Loom Message - 25 July 2024 - Watch Video

mylesdomingo commented 2 months ago

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 2 36 29 PM Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 2 36 35 PM

In the video demo in 0:37 we choose our preferred business types 'restaurants' but we don't see it at the top in the recommendations tab. As a user I would feel confused if that were happening; I'd expect to see restaurants first.

mylesdomingo commented 2 months ago

I'd also add a placeholder image if the business does not have any eligible images in the profile card. 0:38 shows an empty img src.

Iamogeee commented 2 months ago

I'd also add a placeholder image if the business does not have any eligible images in the profile card. 0:38 shows an empty img src.

@mylesdomingo i did do that, but for some reason it isn't using it. I think i will just import the default photo instead. What do you think?