IanKPowell / CS407

Storage for CS 407 Foundations of Mobile Systems and Applications - Spring 2013
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Things to do ASAP #7

Open alinson10 opened 11 years ago

alinson10 commented 11 years ago


So I think we should start working on this soon.

After Kyle and I met with the client we got a better idea of what our priorities are.

  1. Advising Information
  2. Math/Science GPA Calculator
  3. Flowchart Curriculum
  4. Calendar/Deadlines (i.e Notification)

The hardest task will probably be the calendar one. Otherwise the other ones should be fairly straight forward.

I will be gone all spring break as well as most of this week, so what we can do is:

TODO over Spring Break: -Install PhoneGap -Familiarize Yourself with the structure/implentation -Possibly try to do some tutorials?

Then when we all get back, we can assign the primary tasks and start coding without spending so much time trying to learn the language.