Closed moneytree-doug closed 6 years ago
I had the same problem like you so I decided to fork and edit it. Maybe this version is interesting for you: Fork: How To:
@kvnxdev Thanks for the comment, I'll check it out!
@kvnxdev Can you explain how your fork can be used with Google Material icons? I looked at the link in you posted, but it appears to be the same readme as the original. I didn't see anything about using a different font.
You can now do this in v2.3.0 by putting hvr-icon
on your icon and the effect you want on the parent element. Example:
<a href="#" class="hvr-icon-spin">
Icon Spin
<img src="myicon.svg" class="hvr-icon" />
That's HoverAwesome!
I have my own web font, and it would be really awesome if I can just throw these classes on to my existing icons and have the effects added to it.