IanLunn / Sequence

The responsive CSS animation framework for creating unique sliders, presentations, banners, and other step-based applications.
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Sequence v2 #235

Closed IanLunn closed 10 years ago

IanLunn commented 10 years ago

For anyone interested, I will no longer be adding features to Sequence v1 instead concentrating on a ground-up build for Sequence v2.

I've added a branch that at the moment only contains a README that details major issues that need to be addressed to make v2 a viable solution, along with some big implementation considerations.

Sequence v2 will address the following issues: #233, #195, #190 (it'll be written in vanilla JS), #164, #159, #106, #97, #70, #13, #11. These are seen as the major issues for Sequence v1 and will be solved in the v2 release.

The biggest consideration is whether Sequence will still allow for themes to be created using CSS3 or whether data-attributes should be used instead -- I am leaning towards the latter.

If you have any feedback or would like to help with the development of v2, please let me know.

isaballoon commented 10 years ago

Ian, I exhort you to consider the GSAP platform to power animation. No other library comes close in terms of browser compatibility and performance, and with today's mobile processors this is critical. I have been hoping for two years now we'd see next level advances with Sequence powered by GSAP. This is the only combo that would bring smooth animation to the mobile platform. If you don't believe it, please just give it try it. I have, and the difference is astounding.

And no, I have no affiliation to GSAP. But I do really give a shit.

IanLunn commented 10 years ago

Thanks @isaballoon. I looked into this when I first released Sequence. At the time it wouldn't have worked out too well due to Sequence themes being powered by CSS3 transitions. With v2 I am most likely going to implement it so that themes are written using data-atrributes and JavaScript, so v2 and GSAP would work nicely together.

I'll definitely consider it.

isaballoon commented 10 years ago

This makes me happy. Thanks.

DavidStrada commented 10 years ago

If you are planning on supporting IE8/IE9 ( non css3 browsers ), if you could implement feature detection ( modernizr ) to apply animations fallbacks, as opposed to your previous version, my experience was that when you apply some css3 cool effect, like elements from left/right, the fallback was just all of the elements on the page without any effect, I understand that effects like zoom in/out are tricky and maybe leave those out.

I guess what i'm trying to say is provide a decent fallback if you could,

Cheers, David

IanLunn commented 10 years ago

@DavidStrada Yes, it's difficult to create nice looking animations for those browsers. My initial approach with v1 was to give those browsers a basic fallback and apply more of my time to making Sequence better in modern browsers. This will still be the case for v2 BUT if I do take the GSAP approach, the same effects could be applied to older browsers I believe.

IanLunn commented 10 years ago

See #247 to discuss the pre-alpha version.