IanLunn / Sequence

The responsive CSS animation framework for creating unique sliders, presentations, banners, and other step-based applications.
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Add "skippable" data attribute #253

Closed IanLunn closed 9 years ago

IanLunn commented 9 years ago

When navigationSkip is disabled the user must wait for a step to fully finish its animations before another can be navigated to. The developer may wish for this to occur but only for the most important elements in the step. Allow the developer to add data-seq-skippable="true" to an element so its animation doesn't have to end before navigation is made available again.

IanLunn commented 9 years ago

This will now be replaced by the necessity of the data-seq attribute in 2.0. Developers will need to tell Sequence which elements to watch via this data attribute. By not giving an element a data-seq attribute, it is ignored.