IanLunn / Sequence

The responsive CSS animation framework for creating unique sliders, presentations, banners, and other step-based applications.
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Sequence with svg in Edge #280

Open florent-cdl opened 7 years ago

florent-cdl commented 7 years ago


I've got some errors in a test sequence with svg in it when viewed in Edge.

The error is in resetInheritedSpeed function at line 1962 in sequence.js

I've changed : el.style[Modernizr.prefixed("transition")] = "0ms 0ms"; to : if (el.style) el.style[Modernizr.prefixed("transition")] = "0ms 0ms";

idem at line 2002

I think it's because on Edge a path node in a svg for example has no .style property ? Surely there is a problem with svg with elements return by var stepElements = self.$steps[step - 1].querySelectorAll("*") (at line 1973) because errors appears.

Thanks. Florent