Wav2Lip-Emotion extends Wav2Lip to modify facial expressions of emotions via L1 reconstruction and pre-trained emotion objectives. We also propose a novel automatic evaluation for emotion modification corroborated with a user study.
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make real_videos_inference.py preserve video names #1
Right now real_videos_inference.py names its output files solely as numbers based on the order of files in the file list. This is a pain because changing the file list can clobber outputs, and it you need the file lists to backtrack a generated video to its origin.
Instead it should use the original file name and maybe add some extra unique identifier.
Both gen_videos_from_filelist.py and real_videos_inference.py use names of input audio and video to name the output file. Note this will be redundant in the case of generated outputs on mead at inference time.
Right now real_videos_inference.py names its output files solely as numbers based on the order of files in the file list. This is a pain because changing the file list can clobber outputs, and it you need the file lists to backtrack a generated video to its origin.
Instead it should use the original file name and maybe add some extra unique identifier.
The offending line of code is here: https://github.com/jagnusson/emotion-synthesis/blob/4ebbabb68bece84397cd0bb761f3686b645db2d3/evaluation/real_videos_inference.py#L298
Ian will handle this when he has a chance.