IanMercer / imagemultiplier

Image Multiplier is the easiest way to create all of the PNG files you need for a complex Xamarin Solution including all of the sizes needed by Android and iOS. It converts SVG files to PNG files according to a set of specifications. You can install it from the Gallery in the Add-in Manager in Xamarin Studio.
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Not generating icons #11

Closed BenjaminFaal closed 8 years ago

BenjaminFaal commented 8 years ago


Please could you help me, its not generating the icons.

This is my file:

This is a sample Image Multiplier specification file

In here you define each of the output types you want to create

And then provide search expressions for the SVG files you want to process

Each SVG file is processes against the matching type specifiers to create

multiple PNG files in all of the sizes you need for your Android and iOS projects

{ type: 'AndroidIcon', width: 36, color: '#f80c12', path: 'Android/Resources/drawable-ldpi/{0}' } { type: 'AndroidIcon', width: 48, color: '#f80c12', path: 'Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/{0}' } { type: 'AndroidIcon', width: 72, color: '#f80c12', path: 'Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/{0}' } { type: 'AndroidIcon', width: 96, color: '#f80c12', path: 'Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/{0}' } { type: 'AndroidIcon', width: 96, color: '#f80c12', path: 'Android/Resources/drawable/{0}' }

{ type: 'iosIcon', width: 32, path: 'iOS/Resources/{0}@1x' } { type: 'iosIcon', width: 29, path: 'iOS/Resources/{0}29@1x' } { type: 'iosIcon', width: 57, path: 'iOS/Resources/{0}57@1x' } { type: 'iosIcon', width: 58, path: 'iOS/Resources/{0}29@2x' } { type: 'iosIcon', width: 80, path: 'iOS/Resources/{0}40@2x' } { type: 'iosIcon', width: 114, path: 'iOS/Resources/{0}57@2x' } { type: 'iosIcon', width: 120, path: 'iOS/Resources/{0}60@2x' }

{ type: 'TabIcon', width: 52, color: '#f80c12', path: 'Android/Resources/drawable-ldpi{0}' }

You can process multiple directories, each with different type specifiers

{ process: './*.svg', as: ['AndroidIcon', 'iosIcon'] }

I have an icon.svg file one folder above the default.multiplier file which is in the main project folder.

IanMercer commented 8 years ago

If your SVG file is one folder above the multiplier file you'd need to use ../*.svg in the process instruction.

BenjaminFaal commented 8 years ago

Im sorry its still now working.

Korayem commented 8 years ago

Same here, it's not working at all