IanTDuncan / MealTime

Project for CSC 480
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MVP - Sprint (Discussion) #127

Closed aaleksandraristic closed 3 months ago

aaleksandraristic commented 4 months ago

MVP Setup


Developing an Android app and aiming to create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) by the end of the month. Suggested roadmap and tasks are listed below in the section 'Steps to Reproduce'.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Review Existing Framework - Assess the current state of the app framework and identify any areas that need improvement or expansion.
  2. Implementation of logic
  3. Prioritize and Refine Features: Implementation of at least one feature - Reevaluate the prioritization of features based on what's already implemented. Identify any missing critical features that need to be added.
  4. User Interface Enhancements - Refine the existing user interface based on feedback or usability testing. Ensure a consistent and polished design throughout the app.
  5. Core Functionality Completion - Finalize the implementation of core features that are in progress. Address any gaps in functionality.
  6. Bug Fixes and Quality Assurance - Conduct a comprehensive round of testing to identify and fix any bugs. Ensure the app meets quality standards.
  7. Performance Optimization - Optimize the app's performance, addressing any bottlenecks or slow-loading components.
  8. Decorating the app (design and colors)
  9. Testing (alpha (closed), beta (open testing))

Expected vs. Actual Behavior:

Week 1: Review Existing Framework

Evaluate the current app framework Identify areas for improvement or expansion Implementation of Logic

Develop and implement necessary logical components Ensure seamless integration with the existing codebase

Week 2: Prioritize and Refine Features

Implement at least one prioritized feature Reevaluate feature prioritization based on the implemented ones Identify and document missing critical features User Interface Enhancements Finalize implementation of core features in progress

Review user interface based on feedback Conduct usability testing Implement refinements for a consistent and polished design

Week 3: Core Functionality Completion and Testing

Address any gaps in functionality based on feedback Bug Fixes and Quality Assurance

Conduct comprehensive testing Identify and fix bugs Ensure the app meets quality standards

Testing (Alpha - Closed) Conduct closed alpha testing Gather feedback from a limited user group Address issues identified during alpha testing

Week 4: Performance Optimization and Testing

Optimize app performance Address bottlenecks or slow-loading components Conduct performance testing Decorating the App (Design and Colors)

Enhance the app's visual appeal Implement design changes and color schemes

Testing (Beta - Open) Launch open beta testing Collect feedback from a broader user base Address any critical issues reported during beta testing Final Checks and Documentation

Perform final checks on the app

Code Snippets:


Environment Details:

Operating System: Android Firebase SDK Version: 23.0.0 Kotlin Version: 1.5.21 Android Studio Version: 4.2.1 Gradle Version: 7.0.2 SQLite3 3.45.1.

For Investigations/Research:

The objective is to organize and develop MVP by the end of March. Currently, we are working on implementing the logic and the next step is features development.

Current Status: In progress

bdshanks-28 commented 4 months ago

I think as long as we have an mvp by this Friday, we should be on track. And if we aren't, then we really may have to gut what we have in terms of what we want to be able to do. Keep it in mind please.

aaleksandraristic commented 4 months ago

@bdshanks-28 I agree, we should speed up a little bit and try to get it done by this Friday.