IanVS / prettier-plugin-sort-imports

An opinionated but flexible prettier plugin to sort import statements
Apache License 2.0
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More control over how type specifiers are handled #147

Closed angrybacon closed 4 months ago

angrybacon commented 5 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

I would like the plugin not to split my import statements when they have a type specifier. For context, let's assume types are set to be sorted first, then everything else.

import { type C, B, type A } from 'module';


import type { A, C } from 'module';
import { B } from 'module';

Where I expected

import { B, type A, type C } from 'module';

Or at the very least if sorting within an import statement is not supported I expected my code not to be modified at all (I don't want duplicated import paths)

Describe the solution you'd like

My goals for my React TypeScript codebase with this plugin:

Here are some examples of how I wish the sorting happened

Merging duplicate paths
import type { A } from 'one';
import { B, C } from 'one';
import { E } from 'two';
import { B, C, type A } from 'one';
import { E } from 'two';
Sorting types last
import { type B, D, C, type A } from 'one';
import { E } from 'two';
import { C, D, type A, type B } from 'one';
import { E } from 'two';

Describe alternatives you've considered

If enforcing type specifiers all the time proves too difficult, then I'd prefer forbidding type specifiers entirely even if that means duplicated paths.

Pulling out type imports
import { type B, D, C, type A } from 'one';
import { E } from 'two';
import type { A, B } from 'one';
import { C, D } from 'one';
import { E } from 'two';
Enforcing type imports over specifiers
import { type B, type A } from 'one';
import { E } from 'two';
import type { A, B } from 'one';
import { E } from 'two';
IanVS commented 5 months ago

Can you please share your prettier configuration?

angrybacon commented 5 months ago
  "importOrder": [
  "importOrderTypeScriptVersion": "5",
  "plugins": ["@ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports"],
  "proseWrap": "always",
  "singleQuote": true
IanVS commented 5 months ago

If you do not include <TYPES> in the importOrder array, they will not be broken out separately from the value imports. Can you try removing that and see if it does what you want?

angrybacon commented 5 months ago

Hello again, sorry for the late reply, I finally found some time to test your suggestion.

Removing <TYPES> from the order list does prevent statements to be split 👍 thank you for that. For posterity, with the following ESLint rule:

  "import/consistent-type-specifier-style": ["error", "prefer-inline"]

I get to enforce inline specifiers. Running prettier afterwards fixes the last artifacts (extraneous spaces usually).

However, I still have 1 remaining issue: I see support for importOrderCaseInsensitive was dropped and this is a big issue for me since I don't wish to change the way I'm sorting my imports. To me there's value in sorting uppercase first: constants, constructors and functions are sorted in that order.

Is there a chance the option comes back? What is the reasoning behind its deprecation?

Thanks in advance 🙏

m-salman-afzal commented 5 months ago

@IanVS @angrybacon I had the same issue with duplicate imports. As per discussion, if you remove <TYPES> , then you won't have ordering in types. But if you include them, there is chance for duplicate imports. If there was an option that we can mix and match so that duplicate imports gets merged, all other remain separated due to <TYPES>.


Maybe there is an Eslint rule modification of no-duplicate-imports that say if the duplicate import is of only type, then ignore that warning or error. Is this feasible? How it can be achieved?

IanVS commented 5 months ago

As per discussion, if you remove <TYPES>, then you won't have ordering in types. But if you include them, there is chance for duplicate imports.

Can you give some examples of what you mean here?

m-salman-afzal commented 5 months ago

With <TYPES>:

import {C} from "modA";

import type {A} from "modA"; //duplicate import
import type {B} from "modB";

Without <TYPES>:

import type {D} from "modD"; // types can be written anywhere

import {C, type A} from "modA"; // this could also be in duplicate form where type is from separate import

import type {B} from "modB";

Optional behavior with <TYPES>:

import {C, type A} from "modA";

import type {B} from "modB";
import type {D} from "modD";

WIth the last option, there is a mix and match where types are indeed organized but if there is a duplicate import, only that gets merged.

IanVS commented 5 months ago

For your "// types can be written anywhere" example, that's not quite true. They will be sorted according to the import specifier, just like value imports, and in fact will be combined together if needed. So "// this could also be in duplicate form where type is from separate import" isn't accurate either.

So, as far as I can tell, your last set of examples is indeed the current behavior. If not, can you please share a "before" and "after" formatting example, along with the prettier configuration that you're using?

m-salman-afzal commented 4 months ago

Yeah, that was my bad. Here is .prettierrc.json

    "arrowParens": "always",
    "bracketSameLine": true,
    "bracketSpacing": false,
    "embeddedLanguageFormatting": "auto",
    "endOfLine": "crlf",
    "htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "css",
    "jsxSingleQuote": false,
    "printWidth": 120,
    "proseWrap": "always",
    "quoteProps": "as-needed",
    "tabWidth": 4,
    "trailingComma": "none",
    "semi": true,
    "singleQuote": false,
    "singleAttributePerLine": false,
    "useTabs": false,
    "plugins": ["@ianvs/prettier-plugin-sort-imports"],
    "importOrderParserPlugins": ["typescript", "jsx", "decorators-legacy"],
    "importOrderTypeScriptVersion": "5.0.0",
    "importOrder": [

this makes ordering as follows:

import {injectable} from "tsyringe";

import BaseRepository from "@repositories/BaseRepository";

import {File} from "@infrastructure/Database/Models/File";

import {SEARCH_FILE_REPOSITORY_FIELDS} from "./Shared/Query/FieldsBuilder";
import {FileQueryBuilder} from "./Shared/Query/FileQueryBuilder";

import type {TFilterFile} from "./Shared/Query/FileQueryBuilder"; // this is duplicate import
import type {FileEntity} from "@entities/File/FileEntity";
import type {IFileRepository} from "@entities/File/IFileRepository";
import type PaginationOptions from "@infraUtils/PaginationOptions";

without last <TYPES>, I have:

import {injectable} from "tsyringe";

import type {FileEntity} from "@entities/File/FileEntity";
import type {IFileRepository} from "@entities/File/IFileRepository";

import BaseRepository from "@repositories/BaseRepository";

import type PaginationOptions from "@infraUtils/PaginationOptions";

import {File} from "@infrastructure/Database/Models/File";

import {SEARCH_FILE_REPOSITORY_FIELDS} from "./Shared/Query/FieldsBuilder";
import {FileQueryBuilder, type TFilterFile} from "./Shared/Query/FileQueryBuilder";

no doubt, now the duplicate is removed since we have single import but now even the imports that are type only are now mixed inbetween. And what I was thinking if we could have something like:

import {injectable} from "tsyringe";

import BaseRepository from "@repositories/BaseRepository";

import {File, type TFilterFile} from "@infrastructure/Database/Models/File"; // only this one is being mixed because it has both type and simple import

import {SEARCH_FILE_REPOSITORY_FIELDS} from "./Shared/Query/FieldsBuilder";
import {FileQueryBuilder} from "./Shared/Query/FileQueryBuilder";

// all other type only imports are organized below as indicated by <TYPES>
import type {FileEntity} from "@entities/File/FileEntity";
import type {IFileRepository} from "@entities/File/IFileRepository";
import type PaginationOptions from "@infraUtils/PaginationOptions";
angrybacon commented 4 months ago

@IanVS The original issue is solved for me but its title is broad enough that discussion with @m-salman-afzal can continue here. Would you rather I file a new issue to track this specifically:

However, I still have 1 remaining issue: I see support for importOrderCaseInsensitive was dropped and this is a big issue for me since I don't wish to change the way I'm sorting my imports. To me there's value in sorting uppercase first: constants, constructors and functions are sorted in that order.

Is there a chance the option comes back? What is the reasoning behind its deprecation?

IanVS commented 4 months ago

@m-salman-afzal so if I understand correctly, you want a way to move the type-only imports somewhere, without impacting the type + value imports. If so, I'm sorry but I don't think that's a style that we'll be able to support. We try to be a bit flexible with the importOrder options, but we have to be somewhat opinionated (that's the whole philosophy of Prettier, after all). And to me, moving type imports sometimes but not others, depending on other imports from the same file, is unnecessarily confusing. I think instead, you could just disable the no-duplicate-imports eslint rule and put all of your type imports where you want them. The rule is not really helpful if you're using this prettier plugin, because this plugin will handle combining imports whenever possible, so it's not really helping to avoid any issues.

IanVS commented 4 months ago

@angrybacon yes, a new issue about that would be good. We can use that to track interest and see if there are others who feel the same way. I'm reluctant to re-add options, but will consider it.