IanYeung / RealVSR

Dataset and Code for ICCV 2021 paper "Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme"
Apache License 2.0
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About the loss #13

Open SongYxing opened 2 years ago

SongYxing commented 2 years ago

I want to know what l_d_fake and l_d_real mean, l_g_gan is the sum of discriminator and generator? And what the 'd' and 'g' in l_d_fake and l_g_pix_s stand for?

IanYeung commented 2 years ago

I want to know what l_d_fake and l_d_real mean, l_g_gan is the sum of discriminator and generator? And what the 'd' and 'g' in l_d_fake and l_g_pix_s stand for?

l_d_fake and l_d_real are losses for the discriminator. d means discriminator and g means generator.

SongYxing commented 2 years ago

real is GT , fake is Y_predict?

IanYeung commented 2 years ago

real is GT , fake is Y_predict?


SongYxing commented 2 years ago

I used your dataset to train on train_EDVR-GAN_woTSA_RealVSR_YCbCr_Split, and found that psnr_avg has been gradually decreasing, and finally dropped to 25.44. Shouldn't psnr be on the rise?

IanYeung commented 2 years ago

I used your dataset to train on train_EDVR-GAN_woTSA_RealVSR_YCbCr_Split, and found that psnr_avg has been gradually decreasing, and finally dropped to 25.44. Shouldn't psnr be on the rise?

If you use GAN in training, the psnr will decrease.

SongYxing commented 2 years ago

Could u tell me why?

IanYeung commented 2 years ago

Could u tell me why?

GAN training is usually for visual quality but not for objective measures like psnr and ssim.

SongYxing commented 2 years ago

if 'g' is generator,what is l_g_gan? Doesn't gan mean GAN?

IanYeung commented 2 years ago

if 'g' is generator,what is l_g_gan? Doesn't gan mean GAN?

Yes it is the GAN loss for generator.