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code Review from sue #3

Closed meadowsage2016 closed 7 years ago

meadowsage2016 commented 7 years ago

Design/Code Review 1


Developer: Mike Young

Reviewer: Sue Hundt

Category Criteria Rating/Comments
Problem Statement Does it exist? The problem Statement was very complete.
Does the problem statement accurately describe project purpose? Yes it gives a clear picture of the focus of the project.
Is the problem statement professional? Think of prospective employers viewing this as part of the developer's portfolio. The whole project was professional!
What is good? Very nice job on presentation and content.
What could be improved?
Design Documentation Does it exist? Yes.
Is the navigation/flow through the application logical and easy to use? Yes
Is the order in which the fields are displayed and form fields entered logical and easy to use? Yes
What data is missing? No
Is there data that is not used? Probably not
What is good? Fabulous
What could be improved?
Data model Does it exist?
Is everything on the screens represented in the model? Yes the data model was complete.
Does the model represent good database design? Yes.
What is good? GReat.
What could be better?
Additional design documents
Application structure in IntelliJ Does it exist? I don't recall, my mistake.
Entities/DAOs/Controllers Do they exist? Yes
Java code quality Are methods single-purpose? Did not look that closely.
Do the DAOs use Hibernate? No hard-coded sql! Yes
Logging Has log4J been added?
Unit Tests Do they exist?
Web Service/API integration Has a web service/api been selected? Yes
What web services/apis might work well with this application? Movie DB
Other comments/notes? Mike was very well prepared. Probably a model for how others should have completed theirs. Great job!!! I did not use the feedback form while reviewing the project. That was my fault and I missed a lot of stuff to review. I'm sure it was all complete, sorry Mike I will be better prepared when I do a code review next time.