It was reported by one of our AOP Plugin users that our references to JCenter were causing them some issues. Luckily, this project is light enough that we can easily remedy this issue.
From the Gradle documentation:
Impact to Gradle plugins
Behind the scenes, the Gradle Plugin Portal uses JCenter to resolve dependencies of plugins. We will be migrating the Plugin Portal away from JCenter before the final shutdown. Builds will not need to make changes while the Plugin Portal migrates away from JCenter.
Resolving existing plugins
Existing plugins will continue to resolve in the same way they do today. No changes should need to be made to your builds.
Publishing new or updated plugins
If you are publishing your plugin with the com.gradle.plugin-publish, you are not affected. Just double check that your build
does not use JCenter directly.
If you are publishing your plugin to Bintray, you will need to use the com.gradle.plugin-publish plugin to publish new versions
of your plugin. The sooner you can do this, the better. We can help if you have questions or problems.
We will automatically migrate all plugins published to Bintray on March 31, 2021. After that date, we will no longer
synchronize plugins published to Bintray. This migration should be transparent to users resolving dependencies.
This PR is an attempt to resolve issue #15.
It was reported by one of our AOP Plugin users that our references to JCenter were causing them some issues. Luckily, this project is light enough that we can easily remedy this issue.
From the Gradle documentation: