Ibrahim778 / QuickMenuReborn

Library for developers to easily add their own widgets, to the vita's Quick Menu.
MIT License
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Check Checkboxes manualy don't work #11

Open BenMitnicK opened 1 month ago

BenMitnicK commented 1 month ago

I wasn't able to check my checkboxes manually if you have the solution that would be cool

I initialise

int ret = QuickMenuRebornGetCheckboxValue(CHECKBOX_SELECT);
select_boom = ret == QMR_CONFIG_MGR_ERROR_NOT_EXIST ? false : ret;

I use this

if (val){
        QuickMenuRebornSetCheckBoxState(CHECKBOX_SELECT, 1);
        QuickMenuRebornSaveCheckBoxState(CHECKBOX_SELECT, 1);       

After i call

select_boom = QuickMenuRebornGetCheckboxValue(CHECKBOX_SELECT);

Ibrahim778 commented 1 month ago

This is a known bug, I messed up a function call inside QuickMenuRebornSetCheckBoxState I ended up working around this in DolceWiFi like this If your plugin is made using VDSuite, consider installing the PAF headers and doing that, if you're using vitaSDK, you can try referencing the PAF headers and calling the virtual function yourself, honestly atp QMR needs a major overhaul but I lack the time and willpower to do it. Consider redesigning to avoid this requirement entirely or switch to VDSuite if you can.

BenMitnicK commented 1 month ago

ok I understand it doesn't matter I will see what I would do

BenMitnicK commented 1 month ago

I want your help bro

I want to use vdsuite but I think my mistake is in variable environment.

#include <paf.h> not work #include <vdsuite/user/paf.h> work but I must do this for all vdsuite include :(

in system I add this




tell me what I need to change ... thx

Ibrahim778 commented 1 month ago

For the environment variable SCE_PSP2_SDK_DIR you need only C:\PSVITA\sdk nothing else The include errors you are getting is because you did not add vdsuite directories to our project's include path Right click your project, edit properties and update your include paths to add C:\PSVITA\sdk\target\include\vdsuite\user and C:\PSVITA\sdk\target\include\vdsuite\common then go in linker settings and add C:\PSVITA\sdk\target\lib\vdsuite

These instructions might be a bit off, you can use GrapheneCt's projects like NetStream as a reference, or you could use CMake

Also make sure you've cloned the ScePaf headers from the repo and merged them with your sdk

BenMitnicK commented 1 month ago

thx for your reply ... I will see that