IceHacks / SurvivCheatInjector

An actual, updated, cheat. Works great and we reply fast.
224 stars 117 forks source link

this is wierd #300

Closed swordbattleio closed 4 years ago

swordbattleio commented 4 years ago

SycoBak#0001( this person has 46 kills in a solo game. that would be a world record. first how is that even possible and second why isnt he on the surviv all time leaderboards he is probably hacking he has only played a few games

u1qqlv commented 4 years ago

he is

humphreygaming commented 4 years ago

@gautamgxtv it's a secret :)

ghost commented 4 years ago

please tell me how he did that is it part of 'destroying surviv'? pls tell me i am ur biggest fan Pls Pls tell me