IceHacks / SurvivCheatInjector

An actual, updated, cheat. Works great and we reply fast.
224 stars 117 forks source link [FEATURE] Add extension to work on twitch (popout) #78

Closed ExentricDEV closed 5 years ago

ExentricDEV commented 5 years ago

I was wondering if you could make the hack work on twitch game extensions? Specifically links like this, if you'd like to talk about it more, I've already added you. Exentric#1337 Thanks. Twitch Link Example:

zbot473 commented 5 years ago

It runs on a lower version, and unless you can maintain that other branch, it probably won't happen.

ExentricDEV commented 5 years ago

zbot, so it's been done? if so could you send me the file/release for it?

IceHacks commented 5 years ago

@SinnedGaxses IceHacks is no longer compatible with that version of surviv, but this modified older cheat is.

leoorantes08 commented 5 years ago

it doesn't have aimbot

IceHacks commented 5 years ago

@leoorantes08 use this