IceReaper / OpenKrush

A KKnD and KKnD2 mod on OpenRA engine.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Implement Missile Battery Reloading #1

Open IceReaper opened 5 years ago

IceReaper commented 3 years ago

Im still unsure if we should do this. This will cause a balance problem. For proper reload, we need to rotate the turret to initial, then play reload, the rotate back. But what if the target has moved around the turret meanwhile? We should make the rotation animation really rotate the turret then, so it auto aims afterwards. But then, we are breaking the aiming logic as it tries to aim back while we override the facing... Tricky tricky.. i would realy not use this animation or implement a reload for every direction

Dzierzan commented 3 years ago

This behavior should be recreated for campaign only. So balance won't be a problem. For "modern" balance, we won't be using the reload animation.

But what if the target has moved around the turret meanwhile?

I believe in the original KKND1, the turret forgets its target while reloading.