IceReaper / OpenKrush

A KKnD and KKnD2 mod on OpenRA engine.
GNU General Public License v3.0
100 stars 6 forks source link

Crashing at startup on MacOS #154

Closed wu3ty closed 2 years ago

wu3ty commented 2 years ago

OpenKrush is crashing on MacOS when running latest version through Terminal (compiled latest master branch using make). After a short switch to a black fullscreen view, I am receiving following error on console:

Platform is OSX
Engine version is 58d0f639456953662f5fc952825b01e7a5aeb0b1
Runtime: .NET CLR 5.0.6
Using SDL 2 with OpenGL (Modern) renderer
Desktop resolution: 1440x900
No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution
Using resolution: 1440x900
Using window scale 2.00
./ line 55: 28047 Illegal instruction: 4  ${RUNTIME_LAUNCHER} bin/OpenRA.dll Engine.EngineDir=".." Engine.LaunchPath="${TEMPLATE_LAUNCHER}" "Engine.ModSearchPaths=${MOD_SEARCH_PATHS}" Game.Mod="${MOD_ID}" "$@"

Using MacOS Catalina 10.15.4. Any hints how to get it up and running?

pchote commented 2 years ago

This is probably, which would be fixed here once OpenKrush updates to a newer engine version.

wu3ty commented 2 years ago

Thanks @pchote. After running the executable from the latest dmg file, I ran exactly into the issue you described. Do you have any timeline for the update?

IceReaper commented 2 years ago

Not yet. need to rebase the openkrush engine branch to keep up with latest bleed. Was hoping for a release to occur to rebase unto that as i also need to rebase the modsdk files alongside. Might need to do this a tick earlier then expected.

pchote commented 2 years ago

Try installing mono from and compile OpenKrush using make RUNTIME=mono. If my guess above is correct then this will provide a workaround until @IceReaper is able to do the engine update.

wu3ty commented 2 years ago

Will give it a try over the holidays, thanks mate.