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[App Request] Authelia #333

Open TheFlomax opened 8 months ago

TheFlomax commented 8 months ago

App Information

Why do you want this app?

Authelia is a robust authentication and authorization solution that brings enhanced security features to user access management.

Firstly, Authelia's multifactor authentication capabilities provide an additional layer of protection, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive data and applications. This aligns with the increasing need for heightened security measures in today's digital landscape.

Moreover, Authelia's support for single sign-on (SSO) streamlines the user experience by allowing seamless access to multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This not only enhances user convenience but also reduces the risk associated with password fatigue and potential security vulnerabilities.

And Authelia secures the machine's reverse proxy, enabling users like me to secure access to web services.

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Eysenor commented 6 months ago

This would be very useful. I'm running casaos on my pi to make it simpler to manage and I would like to move authelia from unraid to better separate the services.

Hopefully this gets added soon!

ProBreizh35 commented 6 months ago

I'll try to make it, I need it myself.

ProBreizh35 commented 6 months ago

@TheFlomax Authelia is built. I'm having a problem integrating it with nginx reverse proxy at the moment. I'll try to see if it works with swag. if it works, would you like to try it?

Eysenor commented 6 months ago

I only integrated it with nginx Proxy manager so I cannot really help trying with swag. I was planning to copy my config from unraid and see how that works

ProBreizh35 commented 6 months ago

You can try and share your config, I can't integrate it with nginx proxy, I'm missing files (proxy.conf, authelia-authrequest.conf) that nginx can't find, I've searched for the files myself in the mapper folders, I can't find them, uninstall reinstall still the same for the moment.

integrating it with swag is pretty straightforward, I've got the config running under dsm. The most complicated part will be for the user, who will have to define a few environment variables.

TheFlomax commented 6 months ago

@TheFlomax Authelia is built. I'm having a problem integrating it with nginx reverse proxy at the moment. I'll try to see if it works with swag. if it works, would you like to try it?

I don't have swag, but I can test it with Caddy.

ProBreizh35 commented 6 months ago

@TheFlomax if you want to test it, here's the link to add it to the app store

The link contains :

I changed the default port to 9095 instead of 9091 because 9091 is busy at the moment.