A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Open the website using mozilla firefox
Expected behavior
the CasaOS UI should be able to be loaded
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Microsoft Windows 11
- Browser Mozilla Firefox
- Version 132.0.1 (64-bit)
System Time
Run timedatectl and share the output
Local time: vie 2024-11-08 00:12:27 -03
Universal time: vie 2024-11-08 03:12:27 UTC
RTC time: vie 2024-11-08 03:12:27
Time zone: America/Santiago (-03, -0300)
System clock synchronized: yes
NTP service: active
RTC in local TZ: no
Run following command to collect corresponding logs:
sudo journalctl -xef -u casaos-gateway
░░ Subject: A start job for unit casaos-gateway.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
░░ A start job for unit casaos-gateway.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 226.
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1255]: v0.4.8
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: git commit: eeb28d78941cf2746e611c02b148e347c47501da
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: build date: 2024-07-18T08:16:38Z
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] PROVIDE *service.State <= main.main.func4()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] PROVIDE *service.Management <= github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway/service.NewManagementService()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] PROVIDE *route.ManagementRoute <= github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway/route.NewManagementRoute()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] PROVIDE *route.GatewayRoute <= github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway/route.NewGatewayRoute()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] PROVIDE *route.StaticRoute <= github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway/route.NewStaticRoute()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] PROVIDE fx.Lifecycle <= go.uber.org/fx.New.func1()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] PROVIDE fx.Shutdowner <= go.uber.org/fx.(*App).shutdowner-fm()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] PROVIDE fx.DotGraph <= go.uber.org/fx.(*App).dotGraph-fm()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] INVOKE main.run()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] RUN provide: go.uber.org/fx.New.func1()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] RUN provide: main.main.func4()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: 2024-11-01T21:22:18.717-0300 error Failed to load routes {"error": "open /var/run/casaos/routes.json: no such file or directory", "filepath": "/var/run/casaos/routes.json", "func": "service.NewManagementService", "file": "/home/runner/work/CasaOS-Gateway/CasaOS-Gateway/service/management.go", "line": 32}
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] RUN provide: github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway/service.NewManagementService()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] RUN provide: github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway/route.NewManagementRoute()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] RUN provide: github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway/route.NewGatewayRoute()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] RUN provide: github.com/IceWhaleTech/CasaOS-Gateway/route.NewStaticRoute()
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] HOOK OnStart main.run.func1() executing (caller: main.run)
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] HOOK OnStart main.run.func1() called by main.run ran successfully in 694.251µs
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] HOOK OnStart main.run.func2() executing (caller: main.run)
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: 2024-11-01T21:22:18.720-0300 info Management service is listening... {"address": "", "filepath": "/var/run/casaos/management.url", "func": "main.run.func1.1", "file": "/home/runner/work/CasaOS-Gateway/CasaOS-Gateway/main.go", "line": 206}
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: 2024-11-01T21:22:18.720-0300 info Checking if service at URL is running... {"url": "http://[::]:80/ping", "retry": 10, "func": "main.checkURLWithRetry", "file": "/home/runner/work/CasaOS-Gateway/CasaOS-Gateway/main.go", "line": 382}
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: 2024-11-01T21:22:18.722-0300 info New gateway is listening... {"address": "[::]:80", "func": "main.reloadGateway", "file": "/home/runner/work/CasaOS-Gateway/CasaOS-Gateway/main.go", "line": 358}
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] HOOK OnStart main.run.func2() called by main.run ran successfully in 1.724913ms
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: [Fx] HOOK OnStart main.run.func3() executing (caller: main.run)
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: 2024-11-01T21:22:18.722-0300 info Notified systemd that gateway is ready {"func": "main.main.func3", "file": "/home/runner/work/CasaOS-Gateway/CasaOS-Gateway/main.go", "line": 157}
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc casaos-gateway[1338]: 2024-11-01T21:22:18.722-0300 info Static web service is listening... {"address": "", "filepath": "/var/run/casaos/static.url", "func": "main.run.func3", "file": "/home/runner/work/CasaOS-Gateway/CasaOS-Gateway/main.go", "line": 311}
nov 01 21:22:18 nuc systemd[1]: Started casaos-gateway.service - CasaOS Gateway.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit casaos-gateway.service has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
░░ A start job for unit casaos-gateway.service has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 226.
sudo journalctl -xef -u casaos-user-service
sudo journalctl -xef -u casaos-local-storage
sudo journalctl -xef -u casaos-app-management
sudo journalctl -xef -u casaos.service
Additional context
no aditional context.,
Add any other context about the problem here.
If you are a Zimaboard user, make it explicit with when you got your Zimaboard.
Describe the bug
Open the website using mozilla firefox
Expected behavior
the CasaOS UI should be able to be loaded
Desktop (please complete the following information):
System Time
Additional context
no aditional context.,