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Bot dm assigned GC 30 min before raid #142

Closed Choppaaz closed 2 years ago

Choppaaz commented 2 years ago

We have seen some GCs forget the raids they are assigned for and that happens sometimes, and since GCs are related to the start of the raid I would suggest to let the bot dm the assigned GC 30 min before the raid to avoid GCs being late.

Choppaaz commented 2 years ago

In fact I would also ask for more since its on the same topic, is it possible to also dm the GC for the raids he is assigned on for each day at the start of the day, to explain this, if we are on Monday and at 24:00 st bot will dm all assigned GCs on Tuesday raids informing them about their raids on Tuesday with some info which include raid link and time.

Efthymios-Papakostopoulos commented 2 years ago

They are already getting tons of DMs, adding more will just clutter with the rest.

30 mins before the raid is enough

Choppaaz commented 2 years ago

They are already getting tons of DMs, adding more will just clutter with the rest.

30 mins before the raid is enough

I'm aware of dms they are getting as advertisers, but I also seeing some not showing up cause they forget, yes the 30 min it great if applied but also at the start of each day a reminder for assigned raids would be perfect.

They would also count on it as a reference

Choppaaz commented 2 years ago

I'm having 2 issues here, some are online but they forgot about their raid and the 30 min would fix that issue, and some don't even remember that they got a raid so they either go out or sleep and this issue can only be fixed by the start of each day dm

Also if its at a specific time then as I said earlier they can count on it and check bot message at that specific time

infinitypros commented 2 years ago

i don't think DM-ing them will fix the problem as they can easily skip it thinking it is just a normal DM from the bot for other things

but what would I suggest we can create a ping channel on the staff discord where you can ping the GC who is assigned for a run on the next day as a reminder.

at this point, you can get an assistant that can help you with that if you want

DruidEmmaNielsen commented 2 years ago

As someone who runs their own discord server, and part of more than 30 servers where they have stuff going on, I must say that a Ping actually easier gets ignored, than a DM.

but I've some weird OCD's and click refresh a lot anyway when bored so I usually know my Raid Collects.
if we have the tools, and can have options on whether you get a DM or Ping. I had personally love it to get reminded over DM's

but that's just me.

Wanhedaa commented 2 years ago

Honestly if you accept that you are a GC, then you should be ready for any collecting. Like if you accepted that you are free on this and this day, and you get assigned, just open your calendar if you can't remember. It's the GC-s responsibility to be aware of their work times. It's not hard to remember for that 1-2 raid what the GC-s get each week (and usually they are even at the same time, not even in different times)

DruidEmmaNielsen commented 2 years ago

well idk who you are refering too but i've yet to miss a GC duty, I am talking about Ping VS DM's. and what are you saying you suggest to demote them or?

Wanhedaa commented 2 years ago

I'm not suggesting anything. Neither Ping or DM will solve any problem. There are only 1-2 guys who forgets their collecting. Tbh not hard to remember for a raid :D If you forget easily, get a calendar or a reminder on the phone