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Teams amendments #112

Open Tueri opened 3 years ago

Tueri commented 3 years ago

Related #71

Feedback has been given that teams are at the top of both faction leaderboards, which is not the intended effect; the teams earn enough from their takes, the solo booster should be looked after in this case.

Wanhedaa commented 3 years ago

I think let’s make a new competitive leaderboard for team only. That way, the teams will continue to be motivated, but they won’t miss the chance from someone trying solo.

What is the difference between timed and untimed? I would honestly take the whole untimed off the price list (a couple of communities have already done so). Even if the customer is afk or has hard affixes, the keys can be easily in time. Keys that are requested to be "untimed" usually end in +2.

But why can't the teams take it? It’s nothing more than taking a 10 boost. I also have a team, if we want to boost and snipe, we go and carry everything - regardless of price or boost type.

What can be a problem with 15 keys between solo boosters and teams is that the team take can be handled by 1 team member (as opposed to the old 4), so with such a low requirement, anyone can make a team and take a boost.

Could we possibly automate the closing? If the advertiser clicks on an emote, the bot will start counting down and will close within 5-10 seconds. So teams that don’t click on all 4 of it will be eliminated and solo boosters could take the boost.

Tueri commented 3 years ago

We have already agreed that single person claim is beneficial - doesn't matter on speed etc, if a team wants it, let them claim it.

The difference between timed and untimed is the slight discount to customers (even if you remove it, people will ask for it), and that the boost is open to Rare roles, so more opportunities for a wider variety of boosters, rather than the same 4 team snipers.

The whole point is to not let the teams take everything (while still leaving the option to take the majority), asking why teams can't take it shows a lack of respect to a larger population. 👎🏼

You also mention single click and low requirement - I don't see how 2.5k means that "anyone can make a team and take a boost", so I'd refute that, as 2.5k is not exactly low.

Automating closing reverses the effect of single click claiming and our intention in the first place - you will simply have to accept that we will not be reverting single click claim, as it's the result of months of complaints that other comms have it and we needed it, pulling it back is not happening; advs can moderate when "manage messages" permissions comes (in process) by removing team claim reaction entirely after specifying "no teams" in the note, or it can be a new suggestion to select "no team" option on website.

Wanhedaa commented 3 years ago

You also mention single click and low requirement - I don't see how 2.5k means that "anyone can make a team and take a boost", so I'd refute that, as 2.5k is not exactly low.

Team with 2200 score can claim the 14-5s boosts which everyone can reach who has friends. Atm ICC has the one of the lowest requirements to boost. Even in a noname community they increased it from 2200 to 2300 because it's too easy to earn.

or it can be a new suggestion to select "no team" option on website.

This is actually a good idea.

Tueri commented 3 years ago

You forget the team requirement caveat; we have less than 10 rare teams because of this.

Highlifez commented 3 years ago

We have already agreed that single person claim is beneficial - doesn't matter on speed etc, if a team wants it, let them claim it.

Could you elaborate as to why single person claim is beneficial over 2-4 person claim? I'm seriously curious, because it seems to me, that if the team is willing to boost and ready, they'd be ready to claim aswell. Giving the single boosters a bit higher chances.

Tueri commented 3 years ago

Because we have listened to the feedback of several community members for this, it's a direct fix for those exact concerns, which include (but not included to):

Highlifez commented 3 years ago

Because we have listened to the feedback of several community members for this, it's a direct fix for those exact concerns, which include (but not included to):

  • Forcing 4 people to be as responsive as each other within the same community when boosters are clearly in many (and this point is often overlooked), is not cool, and led to teams not bothering with ICC (in previous feedback).
  • Other communities allow for single person claim (not that we are always "following suit", but it was a complaint in the past).
  • Advertisers often don't wait for a team claim if 4 have to sign, they will lock when all requirements are met instead, which is often only a few seconds after the run is posted.

While I agree that it will be more annoying for teams, I feel like you guys don't realize the huge implications it has if you are just focusing on the teams, leaving the single boosters behind (for ally especially, but also starting to see it for horde). Let me paint you a picture:

It took me close to an hour to fill an ally +15 LEATHER armorstack on alliance, on a friday no less. Yet I got DMd by 3 teams, asking if I still need to fill it, but that they can only provide 1-2 leathers. The constant push to keep teams satisfied has left the solo boosters disappointed and many of them left. And now where we're at the point where the overwhelming majority of customers want armorstacks we are having trouble filling them, because the teams can't provide that.

So again, I see why it's important to make teams happy, but at the same time, you can't be neglecting the importance of the solo boosters like that.

Tueri commented 3 years ago

Which is exactly the point of this issue being raised.

Highlifez commented 3 years ago

Partly yes, but

We have already agreed that single person claim is beneficial, if a team wants it, let them claim it.

while still leaving the option to take the majority

Is still the main issue. Teams took every boost they could after the release of 9.1 until the point where armorstacking requests became the majority, which they can't fulfill. And single person claim helped them doing that. In the meantime, a majority of solo boosters already gave up because they got fed up.

Basically what's happening is, teams fill their pockets early on, and now the community is hurting because we're having trouble filling armorstacked keys because of a lack of solo boosters. And let me paraphrase desi here in a recent announcement, which gave me a good chuckle considering our situation:

we're now offering free armorstacks when booking 2+ keys. I'm sure we won't have any troubles filling them

I fear we are already past the point of no return, atleast until the next patch/content update. I doubt just excluding M+ teams from competition and untimed keys will be enough to turn that ship around.

Tueri commented 3 years ago

What this issue doesn't denote is planned changes away from Precious - we plan to purge many teams and limit the amount of teams that can exist at any one time within ICC also, plus adding armor stack requirement to the list. Teams on the oldest requirements and still team claiming shouldn't happen, it's just a big project that needs the time invested, but just because it's not here doesn't mean it's not happening. However, if you think single button claim is the main issue then I think the conversation is done here.