Icecrown-Community / Icecrown-Precious-Bot-Public

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Gold collecting from trainees #14

Open Wanhedaa opened 3 years ago

Wanhedaa commented 3 years ago

I have no idea if its possible to do, but i have an idea for trainee advertisers to prevent the possibility of a scamm. -sadly i cant paint so i hope you can imagine-

AT MANUAL SUBMIT they should leave a note after the boosters name, what says who was the gc, so the gold collectors see if its collected or not

The submit form atm this: !submit activity realm pot booster1 booster2 booster3 booster4 info

In info they could just type: GC: gcname

And in the #warning gold collector for the gold collectors will show up this similar form from precious: Adv name Date Activity Realm Pot Info

^- this should ALWAYS be a post in gc warning WHENEVER a member with Trainee Advertiser role MANUAL SUBMITS a run.

We gold collectors cant be everywhere, every time. If someone wants to scamm, and doesnt submit, thats already an another part.. But for the submit this would be rly rly helpfull for the gold collectors.

Shien and papa liked my idea

iElsha commented 3 years ago

warning gold collector already inform when he sent a run. You need to collect before the run begins.

Regarding the submit if he said 100k but submitted 300k - The banker will detect it.

Wanhedaa commented 3 years ago

@iElsha the warning gc channel detects only the bot posts, not the manual posts. My point was on the manual submit. Even if they don't scamm us but they send the mail to the wrong server, we, gold collectors are blamed too, because "we didn't collect from a trainee adv"

My whole point is on the manual submits for m+, pvp, torghast, lvling, whatever.

iElsha commented 3 years ago

Yes, manual stuff needs to be erased for sure.

Tueri commented 3 years ago

This question still stands btw, not sure you understood @iElsha 😄

Precious bot post = Warning for gold collector

🔴submit-horde = No warning for gold collector

🔵submit-alliance = No warning for gold collector

Wanheda is asking if we can have a notification sent to #warning-gold-collector everytime a Trainee manually submits a run .

This is to prevent possible scams and keeps the gold out of the hands of the Trainee, prompting them to send the mailing message etc.

Dejnaa commented 3 years ago

@Wanhedaa is this still needed as the trainees post in the GC request channel? Or is this meant as a scam radar?