Iceloof / GoogleNews

Script for GoogleNews
MIT License
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duplicate result #2

Closed deviirmr closed 4 years ago

deviirmr commented 4 years ago

I am getting a duplicate result on page 1

googlenews = GoogleNews()'tailing dam')
news = googlenews.result()

Result image

Could you please investigate the issue.

HurinHu commented 4 years ago

The will auto fetch the first page, so you don’t need to getpage(1), you can getpage(2) to append second page data.

deviirmr commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your reply. So getpage(3) will apand the results form page 1 + page 2?

HurinHu commented 4 years ago

If you use getpage(2) it will get page 1 and 2, if you want to get from page 1 to 3, you need to use getpage(2) and getpage(3), getpage(n) means append nth page to the result.

deviirmr commented 4 years ago

Ok, I got it. This API is very helpful, thank you for creating.