Iceloof / GoogleNews

Script for GoogleNews
MIT License
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Looking forward to get the news within the specified date range #23

Closed ming197 closed 4 years ago

ming197 commented 4 years ago

I‘m looking forward to the function to get the news within the specified date range, such as the news about covid-19 from 2020.03.01 to 2020.03.30.I think it wiil be more convinient for text analysis.

Thank you for this job!That is great.

HurinHu commented 4 years ago

I‘m looking forward to the function to get the news within the specified date range, such as the news about covid-19 from 2020.03.01 to 2020.03.30.I think it wiil be more convinient for text analysis.

Thank you for this job!That is great.

Well, I do want to develop this function, unfortunately google is not allowed to search by date range.

ming197 commented 4 years ago

I‘m looking forward to the function to get the news within the specified date range, such as the news about covid-19 from 2020.03.01 to 2020.03.30.I think it wiil be more convinient for text analysis. Thank you for this job!That is great.

Well, I do want to develop this function, unfortunately google is not allowed to search by date range.,cd_min:02/01/2020,cd_max:02/10/2020&tbm=nws&sxsrf=ALeKk00Ui4xbdojRFKY_6Rvwwo0jKHoaYg:1587869871088&ei=r_ikXu-CBZ-Hr7wPq5yF4As&start=0&sa=N&ved=0ahUKEwivlvacjIXpAhWfw4sBHStOAbw4ChDy0wMIYA&biw=1280&bih=658&dpr=2


Maybe you can try it!

HurinHu commented 4 years ago

I‘m looking forward to the function to get the news within the specified date range, such as the news about covid-19 from 2020.03.01 to 2020.03.30.I think it wiil be more convinient for text analysis. Thank you for this job!That is great.

Well, I do want to develop this function, unfortunately google is not allowed to search by date range.,cd_min:02/01/2020,cd_max:02/10/2020&tbm=nws&sxsrf=ALeKk00Ui4xbdojRFKY_6Rvwwo0jKHoaYg:1587869871088&ei=r_ikXu-CBZ-Hr7wPq5yF4As&start=0&sa=N&ved=0ahUKEwivlvacjIXpAhWfw4sBHStOAbw4ChDy0wMIYA&biw=1280&bih=658&dpr=2


Maybe you can try it!

Thanks for your link, I have added this to the latest version, you can upgrade the package with pip install --upgrade GoogleNews