Iceloof / GoogleNews

Script for GoogleNews
MIT License
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languages settings #4

Closed jasonxu1991 closed 4 years ago

jasonxu1991 commented 4 years ago

Hi HurinHu, great work! I was wondering if i can set the language of the google news im fetching, Thanks !

HurinHu commented 4 years ago

This is based on your PC default language setting. You can search keywords in any language, the result and format you see will be same as you use google search in browser.

andreian02 commented 4 years ago

Hello HurinHu, thank you for this! Could I ask if I search japanese characters, will it default it to results? I wasn't able to search with japanese characters.

Thank you!

HurinHu commented 4 years ago

I think the result will be same, it seems only support English at this moment. I will implement it to support other language later.

HurinHu commented 4 years ago

It is already fixed in the latest version.