Iceloof / GoogleNews

Script for GoogleNews
MIT License
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Shortened titles #67

Closed vincepy closed 3 years ago

vincepy commented 3 years ago

I encountered an issue with titles.

{'title': 'Crypto miners halt China business after Beijing cracks down ...',
'media': 'The Straits Times', 'date': '4 mins ago', 'datetime': None,
'desc': 'TOP, are suspending their China operations after Beijing stepped up its efforts to crack down on bitcoin mining and trading, sending the digital currency tumbling ...',
'link': '',
'img': ''}

As it can be seen in my provided code, the title is shortened. Can I know the reason and a way to "opt-out" of the shortening?

HurinHu commented 3 years ago

This is the result of the Google News returned, probably because of the length limit, but we can't extract the full title as google doesn't provide that.