Open puseidr opened 3 years ago
I believe this is intentional, as the other interfaces are probably covered by the Hyper-V plugins. In case I'm not mistaken we filter our certain network devices to clear the output a little. I will have to take a closer look on this.
for a better understanding:
"NIC1 switch a ComputeSwitch" and "SLOT 1 Port 2 switch b ComputeSwitch" are SET (Switch-Embeeed-Teaming)-Members used for Hyper-V VMs and the vNIC: "vEthernet (Management)"
"NIC2 switch b StorageSwitch " and "SLOT 1 Port 1 switch a StorageSwitch" are SET-Members used for Storage Space Direct (S2D) Replication and the vNICs: "vSMB1" and "vSMB2"
We confirm that the plugin only shows physical interfaces, but does not show virtual interfaces that are created on the host on top of Switch Embedded Teaming (SET Switch).
PS > Get-NetAdapter | Select Name, InterfaceDescription, ifIndex, Status, LinkSpeed | Where Status -eq Up | Sort Name | ft
Name InterfaceDescription ifIndex Status LinkSpeed
---- -------------------- ------- ------ ---------
Hyper-V SET vNIC - Cluster - SMB Multichannel 1 Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter #2 8 Up 1 Gbps
Hyper-V SET vNIC - Cluster - SMB Multichannel 2 Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter #3 2 Up 1 Gbps
Hyper-V SET vNIC - Cluster - SMB Multichannel 3 Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter #4 14 Up 1 Gbps
Hyper-V SET vNIC - Host management Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter 18 Up 1 Gbps
PCIe NIC1 Port 1 Intel(R) I350 Gigabit Network Connection #4 16 Up 1 Gbps
PCIe NIC1 Port 2 Intel(R) I350 Gigabit Network Connection #2 12 Up 1 Gbps
PCIe NIC1 Port 3 Intel(R) I350 Gigabit Network Connection #3 9 Up 1 Gbps
PCIe NIC1 Port 4 Intel(R) I350 Gigabit Network Connection 24 Up 1 Gbps
PS > Invoke-IcingaCheckNetworkInterface -Verbosity 2 -PacketReceivedDiscardedWarn 50% -PacketOutboundDiscardedWarn 50% -PackteReceivedErrorWarn 1% -PackteOutboundErrorWarn 1%
[OK] Network Device Package: 4 Ok
\_ [OK] Interface PCIe NIC1 Port 1
\_ [OK] eth 6: AdminLocked: False
\_ [OK] eth 6: bytes received/sec: 8.27KiB
\_ [OK] eth 6: bytes sent/sec: 14.77KiB
\_ [OK] eth 6: bytes total/sec: 23.04KiB
\_ [OK] eth 6: Interface AdminStatus: Up
\_ [OK] eth 6: Interface OperationalStatus: Up
\_ [OK] eth 6: LinkSpeed: 1Gbit
\_ [OK] eth 6: NetConnectionStatus: Connected
\_ [OK] eth 6: packets outbound discarded: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 6: packets outbound errors: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 6: packets received discarded: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 6: packets received errors: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 6: packets received/sec: 61.65243c
\_ [OK] eth 6: packets sent/sec: 15.60832c
\_ [OK] eth 6: VlanID: 0
\_ [OK] Interface PCIe NIC1 Port 2
\_ [OK] eth 2: AdminLocked: False
\_ [OK] eth 2: bytes received/sec: 5.54KiB
\_ [OK] eth 2: bytes sent/sec: 1.50KiB
\_ [OK] eth 2: bytes total/sec: 7.04KiB
\_ [OK] eth 2: Interface AdminStatus: Up
\_ [OK] eth 2: Interface OperationalStatus: Up
\_ [OK] eth 2: LinkSpeed: 1Gbit
\_ [OK] eth 2: NetConnectionStatus: Connected
\_ [OK] eth 2: packets outbound discarded: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 2: packets outbound errors: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 2: packets received discarded: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 2: packets received errors: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 2: packets received/sec: 54.16811c
\_ [OK] eth 2: packets sent/sec: 5.315592c
\_ [OK] eth 2: VlanID: 0
\_ [OK] Interface PCIe NIC1 Port 3
\_ [OK] eth 3: AdminLocked: False
\_ [OK] eth 3: bytes received/sec: 5.75KiB
\_ [OK] eth 3: bytes sent/sec: 1.49KiB
\_ [OK] eth 3: bytes total/sec: 7.24KiB
\_ [OK] eth 3: Interface AdminStatus: Up
\_ [OK] eth 3: Interface OperationalStatus: Up
\_ [OK] eth 3: LinkSpeed: 1Gbit
\_ [OK] eth 3: NetConnectionStatus: Connected
\_ [OK] eth 3: packets outbound discarded: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 3: packets outbound errors: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 3: packets received discarded: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 3: packets received errors: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 3: packets received/sec: 54.58387c
\_ [OK] eth 3: packets sent/sec: 4.833037c
\_ [OK] eth 3: VlanID: 0
\_ [OK] Interface PCIe NIC1 Port 4
\_ [OK] eth 1: AdminLocked: False
\_ [OK] eth 1: bytes received/sec: 6.25KiB
\_ [OK] eth 1: bytes sent/sec: 2.02KiB
\_ [OK] eth 1: bytes total/sec: 8.26KiB
\_ [OK] eth 1: Interface AdminStatus: Up
\_ [OK] eth 1: Interface OperationalStatus: Up
\_ [OK] eth 1: LinkSpeed: 1Gbit
\_ [OK] eth 1: NetConnectionStatus: Connected
\_ [OK] eth 1: packets outbound discarded: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 1: packets outbound errors: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 1: packets received discarded: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 1: packets received errors: 0% (0c)
\_ [OK] eth 1: packets received/sec: 55.9141c
\_ [OK] eth 1: packets sent/sec: 6.63413c
\_ [OK] eth 1: VlanID: 0
| 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::packetsoutbounddiscarded'=0c;8;;0;15.60832 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceivedsec'=54.58387c;; 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceiveddiscarded'=0c;27;;0;54.58387 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::bytestotalsec'=23593B;;;0;125000000 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::bytesreceivedsec'=8467B;;;0;125000000 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceivedsec'=61.65243c;; 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::packetssentsec'=15.60832c;; 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::packetssentsec'=4.833037c;; 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::linkspeed'=1000000000;; 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::linkspeed'=1000000000;; 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::linkspeed'=1000000000;; 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::linkspeed'=1000000000;; 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceivederrors'=0c;1;;0;61.65243 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::bytessentsec'=15125B;;;0;125000000 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::packetsoutbounderrors'=0c;0;;0;4.833037 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::packetsoutbounderrors'=0c;0;;0;15.60832 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::bytestotalsec'=7416B;;;0;125000000 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::bytessentsec'=1523B;;;0;125000000 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::bytesreceivedsec'=6396B;;;0;125000000 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceivederrors'=0c;1;;0;54.58387 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::bytesreceivedsec'=5893B;;;0;125000000 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::bytestotalsec'=8459B;;;0;125000000 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::packetssentsec'=6.63413c;; 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::bytessentsec'=2064B;;;0;125000000 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceiveddiscarded'=0c;28;;0;55.9141 'eth3::ifw_networkinterface::packetsoutbounddiscarded'=0c;2;;0;4.833037 'eth6::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceiveddiscarded'=0c;31;;0;61.65243 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::packetsoutbounddiscarded'=0c;3;;0;6.63413 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceivederrors'=0c;1;;0;55.9141 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::packetsoutbounderrors'=0c;0;;0;6.63413 'eth1::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceivedsec'=55.9141c;; 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::packetsoutbounddiscarded'=0c;3;;0;5.315592 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::packetsoutbounderrors'=0c;0;;0;5.315592 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::bytessentsec'=1535B;;;0;125000000 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceivedsec'=54.16811c;; 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceiveddiscarded'=0c;27;;0;54.16811 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::packetssentsec'=5.315592c;; 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::bytesreceivedsec'=5677B;;;0;125000000 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::packetsreceivederrors'=0c;1;;0;54.16811 'eth2::ifw_networkinterface::bytestotalsec'=7211B;;;0;125000000
In our example, the "PCIe NIC1 Port ..." interfaces are the physical interfaces. They are members of SET. Based on SET, virtual interfaces "Hyper-V SET vNIC ... " were made. It is desirable that the plugins see and show statistics on virtual interfaces too.
the check doesn't show all NCIs (only 4 of 7)
here an example:
this server has 7 physical NICs and 3 vNICs (using Switch-Embedded-Teaming)