The Director aims to be your new favourite Icinga config deployment tool. Director is designed for those who want to automate their configuration deployment and those who want to grant their “point & click” users easy access to the configuration.
The renaming of an existing primary icinga zone or adding distributed monitoring need to manually update the director database. This must be done, because it is not possible to change the name of the zone for the director on the CLI automatically without a kickstart run. The icingacli commands have no effect in the director to do a deployment after zone renaming.
Therefore its is necessary to update the table director.director_setting with new master_zone name.
SQL command:
# UPDATE director.director_setting SET setting_value='master' WHERE setting_name='master_zone';"
The best way is using the kickstart (through icingacli or director).
Alternatively or if not possible to use kickstart can the following workaround be used.
Workaround by using the icingacli and sql commands after renaming the icinga zone in zones.conf (FQDN to master)
# rm -r /var/lib/icinga2/api/packages/*
# rm -r /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/*
# service icinga2 restart
# icingacli director zone set FQDN --object_name master --object_type external_object --auto-create
# mysql -u root -p director -e "UPDATE director.director_setting SET setting_value='master' WHERE setting_name='master_zone';"
Now the new configuration can be rolled out by using the icinga director.
The renaming of an existing primary icinga zone or adding distributed monitoring need to manually update the director database. This must be done, because it is not possible to change the name of the zone for the director on the CLI automatically without a kickstart run. The icingacli commands have no effect in the director to do a deployment after zone renaming. Therefore its is necessary to update the table director.director_setting with new master_zone name.
SQL command:
# UPDATE director.director_setting SET setting_value='master' WHERE setting_name='master_zone';"
The best way is using the kickstart (through icingacli or director). Alternatively or if not possible to use kickstart can the following workaround be used.
Workaround by using the icingacli and sql commands after renaming the icinga zone in zones.conf (FQDN to master)
Now the new configuration can be rolled out by using the icinga director.
Many thanks to Tom Gelf for this workaround.