A comprehensive comparison of modern JS test automation tools from a specific angle. A small test automation project was built on top of Cypress, Playwright, WebdriverIO, and Puppeteer to test their request interception capabilities through comparable test cases.
The demo of this topic is about answering the following questions:
What is the request interception?
What are the pros and cons of modern test automation tools regarding this feature?
How to take advantage of these capabilities in case of regular UI test automation challenges?
1.1. Title
Request interception in automated UI tests.
1.2. Details
A comprehensive comparison of modern JS test automation tools from a specific angle. A small test automation project was built on top of Cypress, Playwright, WebdriverIO, and Puppeteer to test their request interception capabilities through comparable test cases.
The demo of this topic is about answering the following questions:
Additional information:
2.1. Area
Test Automation
3.1. Stream
Competency Development (assisting engineer to grow professionally)
4.1. Format
Demo (demonstrating the idea in an online event)
5.1. Artifact